Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (2024)

or How to Get Through the First Few Games Without Screaming
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (1)

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (2)

1. Introduction

1.1. About Shattered Pixel Dungeon

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a pixel art"rogue-like game", alsoknown as a dungeon-crawler. The original Pixel Dungeon was released in2012 by Watabou (aka Oleg Dolya)and later the source code was licensed under the GPLv3. Evan Debenhampicked it up, forking it into "Shattered" and greatly enhancing andbalancing the game. It is available on several platforms(and for those who write software, the source code is availablebut note that Evan does not accept pull requests). Evan regularlyreleases updates and those may not be reflected in this guide.

There is an extensive, but out of date, wikiwith its own sectionon Shattered. Skimming the wiki is strongly suggested as it covers thebasic mechanics of the game and many of the enemies and objects you'llencounter.

1.2. About this Guide and its Author

I love this game. I've played a lot of Pixel Dungeon over the lastten years across several phones, easily thousands of games. On just mycurrent phone I have played over six hundred games of Shattered,winning (and "ascended", meaning I returned from the lowest dungeonlevel to the surface) more than one hundred times. I've read much ofthe source code to investigate how things work and taken hints from it(I've put most of those nerdy bits into footnotes). This qualifies meas an opinionated enthusiast. This guide is, naturally, alsoopinionated and comes out of conversations I've had with my son andwith other players. Any mistakes, like the opinions, are mine.

2. Character Classes

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (3)

There are currently five character classes: Warrior, Thief, Mage,Huntress, and Duelist. Each has two sub-classes and each sub-classhas nineteen talents and skills that are unlocked by leveling and bybeating bosses.

All of the classes can win the game, I've completed it using all ofthem and all of their sub-classes.

My favorite character and the easiest to play is the Huntress. Most ofthis guide will be about that hero and my favorite subclass The Warden.

2.1. Huntress

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2.1.1. Abilities and attributes

All heroes regardless of class start with the same stats1:

The Huntress starts with the Spirit Bow, Gloves for melee, and ClothArmor for defense. They can identify Scroll of Lullaby and Potion ofMind Vision and begin with a special ability: they do not tramplegrass.

2.1.2. Spirit Bow

The mystical bow is a secondary weapon that doesn't need to beequipped (but does need to be in your inventory) and generates its ownarrows. It upgrades slowly as you level up3 and does less damagethan thrown projectiles of a similar level4 but can be enhancedfor damage or speed and also enchanted to add an on-hit effect.

Unlimited arrows is a huge advantage over other classes that have toration their use of projectiles, which degrade with each throw, orapply a Scroll of Upgrade on one to get one that has greaterdurability (the Sniper, a Huntress subclass can also benefit from anupgraded projectile). It opens up opportunities to snipe and probe andto casually take pot shots from a distance without the risk of runningout of projectiles or needing to reclaim them.

Archery Tricks

Projectiles (and wands) wear down enemies, softening them up for aneasier melee.

In general, try to position yourself at a door or other angle that canbreak the line of sight. You can use grass for this, too.

If you end up with multiple enemies queued up near a door, go through,then step back from the door to force them into single file leaving agap. Shoot the first and they'll advance, giving you a meleeattack. When you kill the lead enemy, you'll usually have one round toshoot at the next enemy before they advance but fast moving enemies(Sewer Crabs, for example) will come in too quickly and you'll have tomelee.

Image: Enemies queued at doorway #1

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Image: Enemies queued at doorway #2

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You can attack enemies that are beyond your sight and they can't seeyou. If you scout an area and see a sleeping enemy, move until they'reout of sight and line up your shot. You can even create concealmentwith grass. You'll see an exclamation point where they're hit. A shoton an unaware enemy will only alert them if it hits and if there'sonly a single hit and either distance or concealment the enemy willbegin wandering. This can be used to move enemies that are clusteredtogether by prodding one to leave. If they approach keep firing and ifit misses, you know they moved away from you or to the side, fire tothe left or right of their position.

Video: Using Grass for Concealment

When entering a room with multiple enemies spread apart, attack theone that is the furthest away if they do not have a ranged attack(gnoll shaman, cave spiders, dwarf wizards, and evil eyes do and needa different strategy). The melee-based enemies have to travel to youwhich gives you time to get in a few more shots.

Giant Piranha are used to guard a chest in a room or occasionally theyare found in a pond on the floor to prevent your movement.

Image: Piranha guarding chest

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Image: Piranha impeding movement

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The bow makes light work of them, an enchanted bow does so even morequickly, and lightning of any sort will damage them together. Use thatto your advantage by getting them aggro and grouped in range.

Video: Using Lightning Against Piranha

On death Piranha always drop raw Mystery Meat which you can cook on afire trap, freeze on a chilling trap, or stew in an alchemy pot.

Enhancement and Enchantment

Your first Stone of Augmentation found randomly or purchased from theshop keeper on Level 6 should be used on the bow. Always buy the Stoneof Augmentation from each shop and hold onto it for later to enhancearmor and weapons.

A Stone of Enchantment, randomly placed but one will be spawned beforeLevel 14, should also be applied to the bow. A stone may appear out inthe open, behind crystal doors, or hidden behind a false wall. If youhaven't found a Stone of Enchantment early, upgrade the bow for damagesince that bonus is applied to every shot.

Video: Hidden Stone of Enchantment

Damage bows work well with any enchantment but I prefer it withBlocking, Blooming, and Kinetic which proc on a hit, with Corruptingand Lucky, which proc on kill, and projecting because shooting throughwalls is awesome. Speed bows work well with the rare enchantments Grimand Vampiric, which you want to occur as often as possible, and withElastic, Shocking, and Unstable. Blazing and Chilling work with speedor damage bows, I prefer damage.

If you do apply an enchantment later that doesn't align with youraugmentation you can use another stone to change that.

Note that a Stone of Enchantment can be used on Armor resulting in arandom glyph the same as the inscription of an Arcane Stylus but theyare normally too rare to make this anything but an oddity. Don't wastethem. Save one for your end-game weapon if you have two or more.

Ring of Sharpshooting

The single most useful improvement for the Spirit Bow is the Ring ofSharpshooting. The Ring's buffs to the level and durability of thrownweapons are applied to the Spirit Bow. At +3 or higher the effect issignificant, at +6 or higher it's impressive. If you were upgradinganother ring, such as a Ring of Wealth for the below money strategy,and have reached end game consider using your Scrolls of Transmutationuntil your Huntress has a high-level Ring of Sharpshooting for thefinal level.

2.1.3. Amazing Grass

How sweet the smell. Grass is a not-so-secret weapon and sustenancefor the Huntress. The Huntress does not trample it like other heroesand ground-based enemies. If the Warden subclass is chosen, theirsteps will cause grass to grow behind them5 where it has beentrampled or burned. Grass produces seeds and dew drops. Seed effectscan hurt enemies or heal the Huntress, and with Restored Natureproduce more grass. Dew drops heal her, and with the Warden'sShielding Dew enhance her armor.

This extra grass provides concealment from enemies (very helpful withwraiths, snakes, shaman, wizards, eyes, and scorpios) and it can beset on fire burning enemies6. Grass is also useful as an indication that awalking enemy has passed through since they will trample it7.

Finally the Warden is the only hero subclass that can activate a seedeffect on themselves and gain a temporary ability or spell-likeaction:

SeedNormal EffectWarden Effect
EarthrootEntanglement (immobile)Barkskin (mobile)
FirebloomSet on fireImbue with Fire (immunity & weapon enchantment)
IcecapChilledImbue with Cold (immunity & weapon enchantment)
RotberryToxic GasAdrenaline
SorrowmossPoisonImbue with Toxicity (immunity & emits Toxic gas)
StarflowerBlessedBlessed (extended)
SungrassHealing (immobile)Healing (like potion)
SwiftthistleTime StopHaste

Seeds with negative effects can be tossed like caltrops to stymieenemies but the Warden effects can be used creatively. PlantingBlindweed, Fadeleaf, or Swiftthistle will get them out of a tight spotwhile Stormvine lets the hero fly over traps and chasms to escape orreach a location. Firebloom, Icecap, and Sorrowmoss give them a shortoffensive buff and protection from the same. Mageroyal cures effectslike poisoning and bleeding.

Wand of Regrowth

Seeing that grass is good, the Wand of Regrowth has great synergy withthe Huntress.

If you have a Wand of Regrowth you should convert other low levelwands (those at level zero or +1, upgraded wands are useful in theirown right and you might keep wands of Fireblast, Warding, orDisintegration) to Arcane Resin and apply it to upgrade the Wand ofRegrowth. If you have more than one Wand of Regrowth keep both,upgrade the lesser one, and avoid depleting your wands.

Combined with a Wand of Regrowth and level and subclass abilitiesgrass is even more useful as you'll be able to produce considerableamounts of fresh grass (and dew, and seeds).

Sandals of Nature

An artifact with good synergy is the Sandals of Nature which increasethe likelihood of finding dew drops and seeds9. The magic footwear canabsorb seeds, increasing in level and power. On upgrade the footwearwill grow in size and get a new name. The below table shows thelevels, names, and number of seeds that must be consumed. The finalform, Greaves of Nature, are fixed at level 10.

UpgradesLevelNameSeeds for
Next Level

When sufficient charge has built up, the footwear can be rooted intothe ground, sprouting nearby a bloom of the last seed fed to them. Itwill trigger subclass talents that grow grass as well. You shouldspend some time thinking about what bloom you want the Sandals togenerate, particularly when upgrading them to their final form fromBoots of Nature to Greaves of Nature. The most useful blooms are:Sungrass (healing), Starflower (blessing), and Earthroot (damagereduction) and one of those should be the last seed fed to the Boots.

You can continue feeding seeds after completing the upgrades and theywill both increase the charge on the Greaves and change the effect tothat seed.


Sod Farming

It ain't much but it's honest work. The strategy here, and it's anincidental one, is to produce as much grass as possible, whenever andwherever possible. The more grass you produce, the more cover you'llget, the more seeds you'll have, and the more dew drops you'll collect.

Your hero's tools are:

  • Rejuvenating Steps talent
  • Wand of Regrowth
  • Blooming weapon
  • Sandals of Nature
  • Seeds and Restored Nature

Use any and all of them in any combination. Rings of Wealth will helpby boosting the chances for drops. Obviously, dungeon levels coveredmostly with water are not useful for sod farming.

Played well and early, you'll have so much dew that that you won't beable to carry it all and will leave it behind as you descend. If youbought an Ankh from the Shopkeeper, now is a good time bless it with afull waterskin and refill your waterskin.

This strategy is helpful against the DM300 and Dwarf King's minionsbecause you'll disable and delay them while creating grass that buffsyour hero.

2.1.4. Subclasses

There are two subclasses for the Huntress: Warden, with a strongerconnection to Nature, and the Sniper, who specialized inprojectile-based combat. When you defeat the second boss you get theoption of choosing a subclass and unlocking those talents (describedbelow).

I prefer the Warden because you'll have extra healing dew, seeds thatcan be used for their effect or turned into potions or extraalchemical energy, and get better concealment from the grass. It isthe easiest to play and win.

2.1.5. Talents

At each level you gain a point to apply to talents. After defeating aboss or gaining a particular level, you'll unlock the next set oftalents. If you use alchemy to convert a Potion of Experience to aPotion of Divine Inspiration, you'll get two additional talent points.

Which talents to choose is going to be highly subjective. I preferthe Warden subclass and emphasize using grass to my advantage.

Tier 1

The Tier-1 talents are:

  • Nature's Bounty, you find a small number of berries in grass that feed you and can drop a seed.
  • Survivalist's Intuition, faster identification of equipment.
  • Follow-up Strike, extra melee damage after a hit with a bow or thrown weapon.
  • Nature's Aid, a little barkskin shielding for a small number of turns when you witness a plant's effect.

The order you should select them is:

  1. Follow-up Strike. It gains you +2 bonus damage on melee after aprojectile hit. Since you'll be softening up most enemies with thebow this is the best early game choice. There's diminishingreturns, though, putting a second point only raises the damage to +3.
  2. Survivalist's Intuition. In the early game you need to identify equipment and 1.75x helps.
  3. Nature's Bounty. Save the berries for deeper in the dungeon.
  4. Survivalist's Intuition #2. The second point raises the rate to 2.5x faster.
  5. Nature's Bounty #2. Again save the berries for later.

If you spend a Potion of Divine Inspiration on Tier 1 talents, it'sprobably late in the game so just put those two points into Nature'sAid. It's likely you've stockpiled seeds or acquired a Wand ofRegrowth and can benefit.

Tier 2

Tier-2 talents are unlocked at Level 7, potentially before you meet the first boss:

  • Invigorating Meal, you gain a short burst of haste from eating.
  • Restored Nature, drinking a healing potion spawns fresh grass around you and roots enemies.
  • Rejuvenating Steps, stepping on grass or embers causes fresh grass to sprout.
  • Heightened Senses, you gain mind vision for nearby enemies.
  • Durable Projectiles.

I recommend selecting these, which synergize with the Warden subclass:

  1. Rejuvenating Steps. Possibly the best talent in the game. The sprouted grass can drop dew or seeds and covers your tracks.
  2. Rejuvenating Steps #2. Put your second point here to reduce the cooldown between sprouts.
  3. Heightened Senses. Knowing enemies are nearby before they find you is an obvious advantage.
  4. Heightened Senses #2. Increase the range of your mind vision.
  5. Restored Nature. Less useful than the first two but spawns more grass, so put your point here next.
  6. Restored Nature #2. Grass encircles you completely which is handy.

If you're considering a Sniper subclass, don't use the last two points right away.Hold them until you select a subclass and if you go with Sniper then apply thepoints to Durable Projectiles.

Tier 3

Tier-3 talents are unlocked after you beat the second boss, Tengu, and select a subclass.Warden has the following talents and as they gain levels will unlock eight points:

  • Point Blank, reduces the penalty for using the bow at melee distance.
  • Seer Shot, fires an arrow at the ground and grants the Warden vision around it.
  • Durable Tips, tipped darts have extra durability.
  • Barkskin, when stepping on grass the Warden gains armor that fades over time.
  • Shielding Dew, at full health the Warden can consume dewdrops to shield herself.

I recommend choosing these talents in the following order which emphasizes defense:

  1. Barkskin, gain 0-50% of her level in armor which fades every turn.
  2. Barkskin #2, gain 0-100% armor.
  3. Barkskin #3, gain 0-150% armor.
  4. Shielding Dew #1, up to 20% additional shielding.
  5. Point Blank #1, reduce the penalty for using the bow at melee range to -30% from -50%.
  6. Shielding Dew #2, up to 40% additional shielding.
  7. Point Blank #2, reduce the penalty to -10%
  8. Shielding Dew #3, up to 60% additional shielding.

If you have multiple Potions of Experience or two Starfruits, converta potion to a Potion of Divine Inspiration and gain two more talentpoints. Apply these extra points to:

  • Point Blank #3, +10% accuracy at melee range.
  • Seer Shot #1, I find this occasionally useful but minor compared toother talents. A Wand of Warding is better.

Tier 4

Tier-4 talents are unlocked after defeating the third boss, The DwarfKing, and wearing his crown. The crown permanently applies to theHuntress's armor so if you haven't found your end-game armor or intendyou use the Troll Blacksmith's upgrade don't use it yet. You canremove it from armor and apply it to another but that destroys thefirst armor in the process.

You'll have a choice of three collections, each with three talents. Allcollections share a fourth talent, Heroic Energy, which reduces the costof using the other talents:

  • Nature's Power
    • Growing Power
    • Nature's Wrath
    • Wild Momentum
  • Spectral Blades
    • Fan of Blades
    • Projecting Blades
    • Spirit Blades
  • Spirit Hawk
    • Eagle Eye
    • Go For The Eyes
    • Swift Spirit

By the time you reach end-game none of these talents are necessary oreven particularly useful for clearing the Demon Halls and beating thefinal boss. I'll explain why: They're slow to charge making themexpensive to use and their effects are situational. None of them willreliably clear or evade end-game enemies and prevent their follow-upstrike. With the exception of the Spirit Hawk, which is handy forscouting ahead and slowing enemies (but dies quickly if it actuallyfights), the Tier-4 talents are all last ditch, Hail Mary, attemptsto recover from having failed to apply spells and effects, managedefense, reduce damage, preserve health, maintain distance, andexploit terrain. You're better off having a Prismatic Image, a Potionof Invisibility, or a Scroll of Terror in reserve than using them.

I usually chose Spectral Blades because in a pinch it will damageswarming enemies and apply the Spirit Bow enchantment to them. Irecommend this order:

  1. Fan of Blades, +1 target for 50% damage, 30 degree AOE.
  2. Spirit Blades, 30% chance to use the Spirit Bow enchantment.
  3. Spirit Blades #2, 60% chance to use the Bow's enchantment.
  4. Spirit Blades #3, 90% chance to use the Bow's enchantment.
  5. Projecting Blades, +25 accuracy and penetrate 2 solid tiles.
  6. Fan of Blades #2, +2 targets and 60 degree AOE.
  7. Spirit Blades #4, 100% chance to use the Bow's enchantment and +10% power.
  8. Projecting Blades #2, +50 accuracy and penetrate 4 solid tiles.
  9. Fan of Blades #3, +3 targets and 90 degree AOE.
  10. Fan of Blades #4, +4 targets and 120 degree AOE.

If you prefer the Spirit Hawk familiar as a scout, choose thefollowing:

  1. Eagle Eye, increase Hawk's vision to 7 tiles.
  2. Swift Spirit, increase Hawk's movement to 2.5 and dodge 2 attacks.
  3. Eagle Eye #2, vision extends to 8 tiles.
  4. Swift Spirit #2, movement increased to 3 and dodge 4 attacks.
  5. Heroic Energy, reduce the cost by 12%.
  6. Swift Spirit #3, movement increased to 3.5 and dodge 6 attacks.
  7. Eagle Eye #3, vision extends to 9 tiles and 2 tiles of mind vision.
  8. Swift Spirit #4, movement increased to 4 and dodge 8 attacks.
  9. Eagle Eye #4, vision extends to 10 tiles and 3 tiles of mind vision.
  10. Heroic Energy, reduce the cost by 23%.

Regardless of which set of final talents you chose, you should havemultiple Potions of Experience by now. If you have Blandfruit,alchemize them to Starfruit to free up the potions. Convert a Potionof Experience to a Potion of Divine Inspiration and gain the last twotalent points. Apply these to Heroic Energy.

(Or don't, because if you need the Tier-4 talents to save your hero,you've probably already lost)

3. General Strategies

These strategies should apply to all character classes. For some I'mgiving special attention to how they interact with the Huntress or theWarden subclass.

3.1. Tools of the Trade

All weapons have attributes "accuracy", which modifies the chance tohit, and "speed", which unsurprisingly affects the delay betweenattacks. Weapons that are too heavy for the hero incur a penalty onboth10. Some weapons though are more accurate, others are lessaccurate, some are faster, and some are slower, tables below. Thisoffers some opportunities.

2Hand Axe+32%2-12
4Battle Axe+24%4-20
5War Hammer+20%5-24

In general your hero should equip a normal or accurate weapon thatmatches their strength. However, if the hero's strength is a singlepoint below the required strength for an accurate weapon, theencumbrance penalty is partially offset by the improvement. Forexample, a Huntress with their starting Gloves and upgraded Strengthof 11 does 2-6 damage per hit (1-5 plus 1 for strength) but a Hand Axedoes 2-12, 50% more peak damage with effective accuracy reduced by12%. If you're using surprise and distance already, this can be asignificant number of one-hit kills.

5War Scythe-20%5-40

The less accurate weapons trade greater max damage for lower odds,33-35% more damage than the accurate weapon of the same tier for a20-32% penalty on your aim. Notice that for the Flail and War Scythethe damage is greater than the accuracy penalty giving a moderatelylucky hero an advantage over multiple attacks.


Similarly, faster weapons do less damage than others at the same tierand slow weapons do more damage and, for Spear and Glaive, havegreater reach.

Where things get really interesting is when slow or inaccurate weaponsare upgraded or if you have a buff to attack speed or accuracy. Theupgrades increase the damage and lower the strength requirement,tilting the chances of a one hit kill toward the hero even if thechance or frequency of that hit is lower. The buff of a Ring of Furorincreases the attacks per round while a Ring of Accuracy offsets anaccuracy penalty. For example a +3 Ring of Furor increases attackspeed by nearly 30%, +6 by almost 70%, making Spear, Flail, Scythe,and Glaive quite viable. A +1 Ring of Accuracy increases the to hitchance by 30% wiping out any accuracy penalty and the higher damagewould partially offset a speed penalty, +3 would nearly doubleaccuracy on an inaccurate weapon and give a strong edge on ordinaryones.

3.2. Call the Fashion Police

Armor, you need it. Generally the highest tier, highest upgraded armoris your hero's best choice as armor has the least variation and fewestopportunities for strategic play.

TODO: Armor

Scale Mail4

TODO: explain damage reduction, defense, evasion

TODO: Strategy around selecting, upgrading, and augmenting armor

TODO: Skeletons vs. Mail or Upgraded Leather

TODO: Glyphs

AffectionCharm Physical AttackerY
Anti-MagicResist Magic
BrimstoneResist Fire
CamouflageInvisibility in Grass
FlowSpeed over water
RepulsionRepel Melee AttackersY
StoneDefense increased by Evasion
ThornsBleeding to Physical AttackersY
ViscosityDefer Damage

3.3. Know Your Enemy

The table below describes the enemies found in the dungeon and their characteristics.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (9)Bat11-145-1830YVampiric healing, Base speed 2x16% drop Potion of Healing, limited #
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (10)BeeN/Ascales11scales11Y
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (11)Brute11-145-2540Enrage: does 15-40 damage & slows death50% drop gold
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (12)Brute, Armored11-1411-3140Enrage: does 15-40 damage & slows death100% drop armor (1:4 plate, 3:4 scale)
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (13)Crab3-41-715Base speed x216% drop Mystery Meat
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (14)DM1007-92-820YLightning attack 3-10 damage25% drop scroll
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (15)DM20013-1410-2580YToxic Gas12% drop weapon or armor, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (16)DM20113-1410-25120YCorrosive GasImmobile. 12% drop weapon or armor, declining, & 100% metal shard
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (17)Demon SpawnerN/AN/A120Spawns RippersImmobile. 100% drop Potion of Healing
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (18)Elemental16-19scales1260YYVaries with typeDrop varies with type13
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (19)Eye21-2420-30100YYDeath Gaze 30-50100% drop of dew, 25% for seed or stone
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (20)Ghoul16-1916-2245Reanimates if other ghouls are nearby20% drop gold
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (21)Golem18-1925-30120YTeleport and teleport hero to melee range12% weapon or armor, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (22)Gnoll2-41-61250% drop gold
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (23)Guard7-94-1240YChain can drag hero to melee range once20% drop armor, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (24)MimicN/A1scales14random loot
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (25)Mimic, CrystalN/A1scalesSteals and Flees with Haste. Teleports when cornered.Loot never cursed
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (26)Mimic, GoldenN/A1scalesLoot never cursed, guaranteed +1 or greater
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (27)Monk17-1912-2570Focus blocks next attack; Attack speed 2x8% drop food. Movement recovers Focus
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (28)Monk, Senior17-1916-2570Focus blocks next attack; Attack speed 2x100% drop Ration. Movement recovers Focus even faster.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (29)Necromancer8-9N/A40Spawns Skeleton20% drop Potion of Healing, declining and limited #
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (30)Necromancer, Spectral8-9N/A40Spawns Multiple Wraiths100% drop Scroll of Remove Curse
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (31)PiranhaN/Ascales15scales16Speed 2x. 100% drop Mystery Meat.
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (32)Piranha, PhantomN/AscalesscalesSpeed 2x. Teleports on hit taking half damage. 100% drop Phantom Meat
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (33)Rat1-31-48
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (34)Rat, Albino1-31-415Bleeding100% drop Mystery Meat
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (35)Ripper DemonN/A15-2560YLeap, causes Bleeding
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (36)Scorpio23-2430-40110Cripple50% drop potion
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (37)Scorpio, Acidic23-2430-40110Caustic Ooze100% drop Potion of Experience
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (38)Shaman11-145-1035Magic Bolt for 6-15 damage & 1 in 3 chance to debuff3% drop wand, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (39)Skeleton6-92-1025Explodes on death for 6-12 damage16% drop weapon, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (40)Slime42-52020% chance to drop weapon, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (41)Slime, Caustic42-520Caustic Ooze20% chance to drop weapon, declining, & 100% Goo blob
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (42)Snake1-32-54High defense, dodges25% chance to drop seed
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (43)Spinner11-1410-2050Web roots in place12% chance to drop Mystery Meat
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (44)Succubus21-2425-3080Teleports to melee when close, Charms hero healing self33% chance to drop scroll
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (45)Swarm of Flies1-61-450YSplits on hit16% drop Healing Potion and limited #
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (46)Thief6-91-1020Cripple on Steal3% chance drop ring or artifact, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (47)Thief (Bandit)6-91-1020Blindness, Poison & Cripple on Steal100% drop ring or artifact, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (48)Warlock16-1912-1870YZap for 12-18 and debuff16% drop Potion of Healing, declining
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (49)WraithN/Ascales171Y
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (50)Wraith, TormentedN/Ascales181Y100% drop of uncursed weapon or armor

Pay special attention to the enemies with ranged and special attacks.

Note that there's a 2.5% chance for some enemies to spawn on anearlier level. This can be surprising!


TODO: Explain enemy spawn rates

TODO: Mention beckon

Note that many enemies have declining loot rates. Generally this meansthat the likelihood of a drop goes down by half for each random drop(so 20% on the first, 10% on the second, 5% third, etc.). Some items,like Potions of Healing, have a maximum for each source in the dungeon(ex. swarms, bats, necromancers, alchemy) after which they will notappear in drops (and for alchemy, will produce a random potion).

3.4. Worship Mammon

Money makes the world go around. Early on this boils down to exploringeverywhere and taking everything you can (and can't) carry. Leavenothing behind. Make multiple trips up and down stairs to grab weaponsand armor, even if you are running out of food. Hoard everything forselling off to the shopkeeper. Throw equipment you can't identify oruse from chasms and bridges to the next lower level, saving a trip.I save Alchemize purchased from the shops until end game.

As a Huntress, the Spirit Bow means you can sell off any foundprojectiles if you need more gold or to free inventory slots.

3.4.1. Ring of Wealth

Get on board the loot train! If you live long enough.

If you've taken your chances and worn that random ring and had nocurse applied, you'll discover the effect when a sparkling flashappears when an enemy dies. The Ring of Wealth increases the drop rateand the quality of the drops from enemies and opening chests. Thecolor of the flash indicates the quality:

purplehighconsumable or equipment +0 or +1
goldhighequipment +2 or higher

Depending on your strategy you'll want to upgrade it a little (to +3at least) or a lot (+7 or +8, my preference). Investing in a Ring ofWealth is worthwhile until you have end-game quality armor and weaponor your hero reaches level 29, at which point drops from enemies stop. A +7ring can drop +4 or higher equipment making up for the Scrolls ofUpgrade you put into it.

When you reach end-game, have +6 or better equipment, or get bored,use Scrolls of Transformation to change it.

The ring complements the effect of the Lucky enchantment on weaponsbut doesn't change the drop rate of seeds.

3.4.2. Master Thieves' Armband

This nifty artifact doesn't have the game changing impact that otheritems do but it's useful because:

  • items stolen from shops preserve your hero's hard earn gold.
  • stealing from enemies gets loot and has a secondary effect ofapplying blindness. The blindness debuff has a chance to apply evenif the stealing attempt failed.

Level it up by using it, the loot chance and the debuff durationincrease with level19. I recommend hiding behind doors when enemiesapproach and stealing from them just for the blindness effect, thenstep back and fire at them with the bow before a melee.

3.5. Food, glorious food

There will be times, even most of the time, where your character isstarving. Get used to it, you'll need to manage nutritional energy andstarvation in addition to your hitpoints. Starving will slowly depleteyour hitpoints.

Eating food will restore your energy. Larger sources of food willgrant fullness (100% or more) while smaller foods will grant partialfullness (33-50%). It takes three turns to eat unless your characterhas one of the following talents: Iron Stomach, Energizing Meal, Mystical Meal,Invigorating Meal, or Focused Meal. With the talent it takes zeroor one turns. Mind this when you're starving, have low hitpoints, andhiding from enemies while you eat as enemies can get a free attack.

Ordinary sources of food are:

PastyUncommon450Save these for alchemy later
Mystery MeatVaries150Collect from Albino Rat, Crabs, and Piranha
Meat PieN/A900Made from a Ration, Pasty, and Meat. Restores health for several turns
Blandfruit (Cooked)Rare450Must be combined with a seed, gaining that effect
Small RationsLimited150Two may be purchased at each shop

Mystery Meat is dropped from some enemies and may damage, slow, orpoison you (randomly 3 of 5). Recipes for meat can be prepared:

  • Frozen Carpaccio. Throw raw meat at a Freezing Trap, on a plantedSeed of Icecap, or into the area of effect of a FreezingPotion. In addition to 50% full (150 energy) it can randomly(4 in 5) heal up to 25%, make invisible, cure any effects (but notremove curses or perform healing), or grant barkskin.
    Video: Freezing Meat on a Frost Trap
  • Chargrilled Meat. Throw raw meat on a Fire Trap, a plantedFirebloom Seed, or zap with a Wand of Flame. Fills you 50% (150 energy).
    Video: Cooking Meat on a Fire Trap
  • Stewed Meat. Boil in an alchemy pot. Fills you 50% (150 energy).

The Blandfruit can't be eaten raw so alchemize in a pot with a seed toproduce a spell-like effect. Some of the effects are harmful or evenexplosive and leave behind chunks that can be eaten. A fruit andits chunks have the same nutritional energy value.

SeedProductPotion EffectThrown?
EarthrootEarthfruitParalytic GasY
FadeleafFadefruitMind Vision
FirebloomFirefruitLiquid FlameY
SorrowmossSorrowfruitToxic GasY

The Elixir of Honeyed Healing is made from a Potion of Healing and aBroken Honey Pot. It feeds you 50%, cures and heals like an ordinarypotion, and procs any secondary effects of eating (for Warden, grass).

Video: Brewing an Elixir of Honeyed Healing

3.5.1. Other foods

The huntress can take a Tier-1 talent and find berries in tall grass,up to a maximum of 8. Each berry grants 33% energy, is consumed in asingle turn, and has a chance to drop a random seed. I tend to hoardthese as long as I can since they're good in emergencies.

The rare Phantom Piranha drops magical translucent meat. It requiresno preparation unlike other meats and in addition to 100% satiety itmakes the hero invisible and acts like a healing potion. Save thesefor late in the game, they're like a hyperspace button thatmomentarily rescues your hero.

3.5.2. Easter Eggs

There is an "Easter egg" where the Pasty will appear as a differentfood at certain times of year and in addition to satiety has an extraproperty:

  • Candy Cane, during the third week of December through the first weekof January. This will also briefly recharge your wands andartifacts.
  • Pumpkin Pie, during the second week of October through the first dayof November. This will grant up to 10% healing.

A Candy Cane or Pumpkin Pie can be used in place of a Pasty in the Meat Pie recipe.

3.5.3. Horn of Plenty

The Horn of Plenty produces food over time. Effects that recharge yourartifacts will speed that up. Storing your valuable food in the Hornlevels it up, increasing the rate at which it fills. The contributionto leveling is similar to the energy value of the food:

Small Ration1.00
Mystery Meat0.50
Frozen Carpaccio1.00
Chargrilled Meat0.80
Stewed Meat0.80
Meat Pie4.00
Cooked Blandfruit2.00
Phantom Meat2.00

Adding food to the horn takes the same number of turns as it would ifthe hero consumed the food themselves and gains the same time bonusfor talents.

The Horn has two actions: "Snack" and "Eat". "Eat" consumes multiplecharges filling the hero completely while "Snack" consumes a singlecharge.

The Horn of Plenty is handy for a second reason. Early in the game youwant to keep more inventory items than you have slots. By relievingyour hero of most of their food items additional capacity is availableand you can get back to Worshipping Mammon and maximizing gold.

3.5.4. Farm to Table

It is possible, but somewhat challenging, to "farm" for food. You cantake advantage of knowing the number of enemies spawned per level22,the rate for random drops from particular enemies, and the maximum herolevel they will drop loot for in order to gain more than you expend.

  1. Sewer Crabs

    The strategy is to speed through the levels 1-5 killing as few enemiesas possible but otherwise maximizing your hero then return and hunt Crabs.

    You need to reach the first shop with the hero's level at 7 or 8.Don't use up all your Healing potions, Seeds of Sungrass, or Scrollsof Lullaby in the trip down. You'll have acquired reasonably goodgear, your six Tier #1 talents, and your first Tier #2 talent. If youhave a Ring of Wealth, Ring of Arcana, Ring of Might, or upgraded wandand weapon this is easier. A weapon with a Lucky enchantment isvery useful as it increases the loot drop rate23.A Warden with a Wand of Regrowth makes this very easy as you can putyour first Tier #2 talent point into Rejuvenated Nature and farm seedsand dew drops while you hunt.

    The Crabs have a 14% chance to spawn on Level 3 and a 33% chance tospawn on Levels 4 and 5. Because the respawn timer24 is lower onLevel 4 (15 ticks) than Level 5 (20 ticks) it is your best option. Ifyou're also collecting loot, because you found a Ring of Wealth (seethe strategy below), Level 5 is acceptable since the Slimes havebetter drops so you'll sacrifice some hunger for a better chance atloot.

    Crabs have a 16.7% base chance of dropping loot which is always oneMystery Meat. The maximum hero level is 11, at which point they willstop dropping loot. You'll stop receiving experience at level 9 fromkilling crabs so don't count on the Horn of Plenty charging up.

    Find a central spot with good visibility and wait. Kill the mobs,collect loot, repeat until your hero reaches Level 9, your health,food, or healing is running low (probably all three), you've collected7-10 pieces of meat, or your patience ran out.

  2. Cave Spinners

    Cave Spinners are another source of meat but they're risky andannoying to farm because of their webs and poison and because of theother enemies that spawn on these levels. If you have good armor,weapons, and either a Wand of Fireblast, Blastwave, or Disintegrationto clear their webs you can try (A word of warning: Blastwave clearswebs but the Caves have many chasms and you must be careful not topunt yourself off a cliff). A Ring of Wealth and a Lucky enchantmenton a weapon will make this endeavor a little nicer as you'll boost thechance for a drop and collect the extra loot from the other enemies.

    I really don't advise this except as an adjunct to a delayedcompletion of the Troll Blacksmith's quest where you'll need to runaround mining with the pickaxe.

    Spinners have a 16.6% chance to spawn on Level 12 and a 25% chance onLevels 13-15. They have a 12.5% rate for loot. They stop dropping athero level 19. Enemies respawn after 25 ticks.

    The strategy here is the same as before, avoid raising the hero leveland try to get over-powered. Return to Level 15 and hunt (possibly totake advantage of the Troll Blacksmith's offer). Don't starve. Don'tdie.

  3. Dwarf Monks

    Okay, so this is where it gets interesting even though the drop ratesare comparatively low because Monks drop full Rations, at a rate of8.25%, and Senior Monks drop Pasties 100% of the time. By this stageyou should have fairly good armor and weapons and you'll need them. Ofcourse, a Ring of Wealth or Lucky enchanted weapon makes the work allthe more worthwhile. If the Ambitious Imp's quest is to slay Monksthen you get a two-fer and won't mind that the respawn is 25 ticks.

    If you've previously committed to food farming (or you found a Horn ofPlenty early and leveled it up) you should have several meats andrations left over from Sewer Crabs and Spinners, these are yoursustenance while you work on Monks.

    There is no strategy other than stay alive and kill Monks until yourhero reaches level 23. By the end you should have several Rationsalong with any other loot you picked up.

3.6. Dealing with Traps

The dungeon is littered with traps to catch unwary adventurers. Do notmistake that because enemies crossed a tile it's safe! They will nottrigger traps unless you force them into one.

You must learn which tiles are safe for your hero or they'll alwaysfind themselves the victim of traps. It is always safe to step onwater, grass, wood planks, cobble stones, slates, and expended traps.Long hallways and open areas often have traps. You can reduce yourexposure by moving diagonally at corners in hallways because most–but not all– traps are laid next to empty tiles.

Creative use of wands can help: The Wand of Prismatic Light will,obviously, reveal traps and other hidden features near you and alongit's path; the Wand of Regrowth will hint at trapped tiles because itwon't spawn grass on them; the Wand of Warding can be used to activatetraps and test tiles, potentially triggering them on enemies; and theWand of Blastwave will trigger traps around its focus.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (51)Alarm1-8Alert enemies
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (52)Blazing16-24Fire, affects large area
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (53)Burning6-14Fire, affects adjacent tiles
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (54)Chilling1-8Chilling
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (55)Confusion1-14Confusion gas
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (56)Corrosion10-24Corrosive gas
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (57)Cursing16-24Curse equipmentCurse prefers armor, weapons, and Mage's staff
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (58)Disarming16-24Teleports current weapon
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (59)Disintegration16-24Heavy damage25 to nearest character
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (60)Distortion16-24Spawn 3 to 5 random mobs
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (61)ExplosiveN/AExplosion (as bomb26)
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (62)Flock1-8Produces up to 8 sheep around itSheep trigger traps and block movement
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (63)Flashing16-24Blind, Cripple, damage27Y
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (64)Frost10-24Chilling, affects large area
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (65)Gateway1-24Teleport to a single locationY
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (66)Geyser6-24FloodCan throw hero and overwhelm nearby traps
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (67)Grim21-24Instantly kill nearby characterInflicts up to 90% max hitpoints damage on hero
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (68)Gripping6-14Bleeding, damage28Y
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (69)Guardian10-24Summon 1-3 wandering guardians and alerts enemiesGuardians use and drop ordinary weapons
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (70)Ooze1-8Corrosive ooze strikes adjacent tiles
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (71)Pitfall10-24All adjacent tiles fall to next level for damage
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (72)Poison Dart6-144-8 damage plus poison
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (73)Rockfall10-24Paralysis and scaled damage29
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (74)Shocking1-8Electricity in adjacent tiles
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (75)Storm10-24Electricity affects large area
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (76)Summoning1-24Summons a random mob
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (77)Teleportation1-8Teleport to a random location
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (78)Toxic Gas1-8Toxic gas
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (79)Warping16-24Teleport victim and wipe knowledge of level
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (80)Weakening16-24Weakness
Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (81)Worn Dart1-44-8 damageY

Some rooms are special and those may have traps (for exampleExplosive, Poison Dart, or Burning) outside their normal level. Seebelow for Treasure Room Traps.

3.6.1. Treasure Room Traps

The easiest way to clear traps is with the Stone of Disarming whichremoves up to 9 traps in an area at most 8x8 around where it lands. Ifyou don't have one you'll need to get clever.

Rockfall traps damage any creature in the room. You can trigger the trapfrom outside by blocking the door with an item and throwing items atthe traps. Once cleared you can pick up the gold protected by that trap.

Video: Treasure Room with Rockfall traps

If you have a Stone of Flock, which temporarily produces a flock ofmagical sheep, you can throw it near the center of the room triggeringmultiple traps at once. When the sheep dematerialize, collect thegold.

Video: Using Sheep to Defeat Poison Dart Traps

Disintegration traps are evil. They do heavy damage that scales withthe dungeon depth25 and target the nearest character. In an openarea you might be able to use one to kill a mob but in the confines ofa treasure room they're annoying because they also destroy gold. Youcan't use the Stone of Flock because you don't want to destroy thegold so your options are Levitation or a Stone of Disarming.

Video: Treasure Room with Disintegration Traps

A slightly different Treasure Room trap is poison gas. This statictrap fills the room with toxic gas that never dissipates. Use a Potionof Purity to protect your hero while they empty the chests.

Video: Treasure Room with Gas

A Treasure Room with teleport or poison dart traps can be circumventedwith a Potion of Levitation, flying over them, or a Stone of Flock,triggering them all. You could at a cost of time or hitpoints, try towalk through them but it's not recommended.

Finally, a Treasure Room with gripping traps can only be looted witha Potion of Levitation or cleared with the Stone of Disarming.

3.6.2. Tricks with Traps

If you find an explosive trap, you can use it to test if anunidentified item has a +1 or greater upgrade on it. Throw the item atthe trap or pile multiple items around a trap and then trigger it.The explosion will destroy ordinary items but not upgradedones. Explosive traps will also not damage Potions of Strength andScrolls of Upgrade but it's better to try scrolls and potions ratherthan waste them.

Video: Testing for Upgrades with Explosive Traps

Pitfall traps are great for disposing of ground-based enemies bydropping them to their death (flying enemies will not fall). Triggerit by using a Wand of Warding, Wand of Blastwave, or throwing an itemonto the trap. Avoid being within two tiles of them yourself when they trigger.

Video: Pitfall Trap vs. Enemies

4. Strategies by Depth

4.1. Sewers (Floors 1-5)

4.1.1. Quest: Sad Ghost

The Sad Ghost randomly spawns on Floors 2-4. The depth determines the quest they give:

  1. Fetid Rat
  2. Gnoll Trickster
  3. Great Crab

These mini-bosses and the strategy for each is described below.

At the completion of the quest the Sad Ghost will offer your hero achoice of either armor or a weapon. These have independent chances fortheir level with a 50% chance of being Tier-2, 30% chance for Tier-3,15% chance Tier-4, and 5% Tier-5.

Both items share the same chance to be Upgraded. 50% will have noupgrades, 30% have a single upgrade to +1, 15% are +2, and 5% are+3. There is a flat 10% chance that both items will be enchanted orhave a glyph.

I recommend exploring and completing the entire floor and possibly thefloor below it if the Ghost spawns on floors two or three beforeinteracting with them to receive the quest. The mini-bosses arepotentially challenging so being up-leveled and having equipment iswise.

After your hero accepts the quest, the Sad Ghost will give you awarning on how to defeat the mini-boss.

  1. Fetid Rat

    The Fetid Rat has 20 hit points instead of the 8 hp of other Rats butdoes the same 1-4 damage on hit. Its special power is that it exudes atoxic cloud of Stench that paralyzes the hero and its attacks applyOoze damage over time. Standing in water will remedy the Ooze but notthe Paralysis.

    The strategy is to find an open area with water and keep the Fetid Ratat a two tile or greater distance until the final blow. Hit them withprojectile weapons and the Spirit Bow until they die or close in.Since the cloud of Stench generates slowly, you can use doors andcorners to get attacks in. If you were struck, move into the water towash off the ooze and finish them.

    Video: Fighting the Fetid Rat

    Like other Rats, they have a small chance to drop random loot.

  2. Gnoll Trickster

    The Gnoll Trickster has 20 hit points instead of the usual 12. It canmelee attack the same as ordinary Gnolls for 1-6 damage but willprefer to launch projectile weapons at the hero. The first two thrownweapons will be normal but if a battle continues, the missiles willgain first Poison and then, after the sixth, Fire. If the Tricksterlose sight of the hero, the count will reset.

    The strategy is to find an area with doors or pillars and water. Youwant to attack then break the line of sight before the Tricksterupgrades their thrown weapon. If you catch them at a door, you canmelee but they'll immediately flee. If you can't find a way to breakline of sight, use the water to douse the flames and escape through adoor or around a corner. Heal and repeat.

    Video: Fighting the Gnoll Trickster

    On death the Gnoll Trickster will always drop at least one ordinarymissile weapon.

  3. Great Crab

    The Great Crab is potentially the most difficult of the threemini-bosses. You will need to use distance, seeds and traps, wands,and doors and angles to defeat it.

    The Great Crab has 25 hitpoints instead of the normal 15, and movesslower than ordinary Sewer Crabs, but its attack damage is unchangedat 1-7. Except for surprise attacks it will always block but itsuffers area effects as normal and from attacks it can't see.

    The strategy is to attack from a distance and then kite the Great Crabto a door or angle where you can strike again. If you have grass,enough open space, or a Ring of Haste you can keep distance betweenyou and the Crab and strike with the Spirit Bow or other projectile.

    TODO: Video of kiting the Great Crab

    The Great Crab can easily be defeated by triggering traps on it, likein this demonstration:

    Video: Trap Defeats the Great Crab

    It will always drop a Mystery Meat on death.

4.1.2. First Boss: Goo

TODO: Description

Video: Boss: Goo

4.1.3. Bonus: The Rat King

Hidden somewhere on the same level as Goo is the Rat King's secretroom. It's never in the same room you entered via the stairs. The roomis always ringed with chests, 8-16 in all depending on the size of theroom, and each chest contains 10-25 gold. In the center of the room isthe sleeping Rat King. If you wake him, he'll endlessly run around thelevel but it's better to leave him be and know where to find him laterin the game. You can trade him the Dwarf King's crown for his crowngaining the Ratmogrify talent set.

Image: The Rat King's Room

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (82)

4.2. Prison (Floors 6-9)

4.2.1. Quest: The Wandmaker


Image: The Old Wandmaker

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (83)

  1. Corpse Dust

    The Mass Grave is always behind a combustible barrier. Use Potion ofLiquid Flame, Wand of Fireblast, a Seed of Firebloom, Wand ofDisintegration, or, a Stone of Blast to open it. The level will spawnan extra Potion of Liquid Flame to assist you.

    Inside there will always be one or two Skeletons waiting inside (50%chance), a Pile of Bones with a Wraith and the Corpse Dust, and atleast two other Piles of Bones, each with a single gold coin. Theremay also be extra piles containing coins, items, or armor.

    Image: Corpse Dust

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (84)

    Video: Corpse Dust

    When you discover the Corpse Dust, a Wraith will spawn. When you takethe dust, it activates a curse that will cause more Wraiths to spawn.Wraiths will continue to spawn until you give the Corpse Dust to theOld Wandmaker30.

  2. Fire Elemental Embers

    TODO: ritual marker, finding ceremonial candles, strategy

    Image: Dialogue for Embers

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (85)

    Image: Ritual Circle for Summoning

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (86)

    Video: Defeating the Fire Elemental

    The Newborn Fire Elemental can be defeated in a single round with aPotion of Frost, a Wand of Frost, or Seed of Icecap bloom. Unlike anadult Fire Elemental it does not have a ranged attack and it has only30 hit points but when it dies it will emit a puff of flame, torchinganything nearby. It leaves behind the quest item Embers.

  3. Rotberry Seed

    The Rotberry plant is in a garden behind a locked door. The quest hastwo parts: The Vine Lashers and The Rot Heart.

    There is one and only one firm rule: Do Not Use Fire!

    Image: Rotberry Room

    Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (87)

    Your Tier-2 Huntress talent Heightened Senses will alert you to theVine Lashers. There will be at least 4 and the number scales with thesize of the room31. These have 40 hit points and are immune toToxic Gas but have no other defense. Keep away from them, they do 8-15damage and inflict Crippling, so use your Spirit Bow to wear themdown. On death they will always drop a seed.

    The Rot Heart will be in a random place on the far side of the roomaway from the door. When you've finished the Lashers (and collectedseeds and dew), move at least three tiles away from the RotHeart. When struck the Rot Heart emits a cloud of Toxic Gas, avoidit. Use the Spirit Bow to wear it down, it has 80 hit points but nodefense and is immune to most effects. On death it drops the RotberrySeed.

    Don't be surprised if wandering enemies join you and try to break upyour good time. While the Lashers and Rot Heart can't move they beckonlike other mobs and it will attract nearby foes.

    Video: Collecting the Rotberry Seed

4.2.2. Second Boss: Tengu


  1. Tengu's Mask: Choose a Sub-class


4.3. Caverns (Floors 10-15)


4.3.1. Quest: The Troll Blacksmith


4.3.2. Third Boss: DM300

TODO: Description of battle

TODO: Describe how sparks point the direction of active pylon

Video: Boss: DM300. Sparks show active pylon #1

FIXME: collect and edit video #2

Video: Boss: DM300. Sparks show active pylon #2

4.4. Dwarf City (Floors 16-20)


4.4.1. Quest: The Ambitious Imp


4.4.2. Fourth Boss: The Dwarf King


4.5. Demon Halls (Floors 21-24)


4.5.1. Farming in Hell


Max Hero
Evil Eye100%2850% chance for 2 dew, 25% stone, 25% seed
Acid Scorpio100%29Potion of Experience
Scorpio50%29Random potion (no Healing)
Succubus33%27Random Scroll (no Identification or Upgrade)

4.5.2. End Game

TODO: final boss check list

  • reach hero level 28. If you're not there yet, kill enemies andtrigger alarm traps to generate animated statues.
  • save your Potion of Strength and create an Elixir of Might but do NOT drink it
  • convert haste potions to potions of endurance
  • convert two toxic gas potions to potions of toxicity
  • convert scroll of upgrade to upgrade infusion and apply to armor andweapons without losing enchantment.
  • Have two (2) Potions of Experience or Blandfruit converted toStarfruit, you'll use these to reach hero level 30
  • convert extra potions of experience to potions of elixir of enlightenment(FIXME)and apply the talent points.

4.6. Yog (Floor 25)


4.6.1. Amulet (Floor 26)


5. Tips, Tricks, and Things that Didn't Fit Elsewhere

5.1. Tips

TODO: Scouting with the Wand of Warding

5.2. Learning using Game Seeds

Each game starts with a random number or "seed". Previously invisible,Evan exposed it as an option to the player. You can replay the samegame again and again by entering or copying the seed. Level layouts,secrets, traps, scattered loot, most enchantments, and initial enemieswill be the same from run to run. You do not get achievements whenusing a seed but you can refine your techniques and explore the game.

Image: Custom Seed

Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (88)

If you're starting fresh with no games played, you'll have start agame with any hero before you can start a game with a custom seed.

I'm including some seeds below with which you can practice. The firsthas all the details of the items and includes a level-by-level walk-through. The second I'm giving you just the items and a few hints, whichshould be a huge help. For the third, I'm starting you off withoutdecoding everything but you get some hints for the Sewers and thenyou're on your own!

5.2.1. WGQ-PNV-JWZ with Walk-Through

This is a great seed for learning because it's fairly generous in theearly game. In some of my play-throughs I've acquired an upgraded Ringof Wealth or Evasion from a random loot drop along with the Ring ofArcana before reaching the Dwarven Halls making for easy runs.

You normally discover items, potions, and scrolls by trial and error,or by using a Stone of Intuition or Scroll of Identity. Later in thegame you may get a Scroll of Divination (or the Unstable Spellbook maycast it for you) which will identify four random types of rings,scrolls, or potions. However, since this run is for learning I'vedecoded them below.

Items Revealed - WGQ-PNV-JWZ
Experience Indigo
Frost Charcoal
Haste Golden
Healing Crimson
Invisibility Turquoise
Levitation Azure
Liquid Flame Bistre
Mind Vision Amber
Paralytic Gas Silver
Purity Ivory
Strength Magenta
Toxic Gas Jade
Scroll Magic Word
Identify Isaz
Lullaby Laguz
Magic Mapping Yngvi
Mirror Image Gfyu
Rage Naudiz
Recharging Raido
Remove Curse Sowilo
Retribution Kakuan
Teleportation Mannaz
Terror Tiwaz
Transmutation Berkanan
Upgrade Odal
Ring Stone
Accuracy Ruby
Aracana Amethyst
Elements Diamond
Energy Agate
Evasion Onyx
Force Tourmaline
Furor Garnet
Haste Opal
Might Emerald
Sharpshooting Topaz
Tenacity Sapphire
Wealth Quartz

Remember these are unique to every seed. If you start a different gameyou'll need to discover them for yourself!

The Sewers

  • L1: Scroll of Upgrade. Potion of Strength. drink itimmediately. Potion of Toxic Gas. Fishing Spear x3. Chest containsan uncursed spear; Stone of Intuition. Pasty. A locked room containschests with gold.

    A locked room contains a grave with Cursed Mail of Multiplicity +1guarded by Wraiths. Open the grave and run to the door. When you'rein the doorway, throw the jade potion at the Wraiths. You'll learnthat it is a Potion of Toxic Gas and all the Wraiths die. Run downthe hallway and wait until the gas dissipates. Return and take thearmor.

  • L2: There is an Alchemy Pot behind a locked door, the room containsa Potion of Liquid Flame. Scroll of Remove Curse. Scroll ofUpgrade. Ration.

    Apply a scroll of upgrade to the cursed armor you picked up onLevel-1. It probably will not remove the curse32 but you also don'thave the strength to wear it yet.

  • L3: This floor has traps, be careful exploring.

    Potion of Invisibility. Scroll of Rage. A chest contains gold. TheTreasure Room has Poison Dart traps, check each pile and take onlythe ones that don't have a trap (yes, you'll leave some behind, itwon't matter). A Piranha Room chest contains Mail armor. The Swarmof Flies will drop a Potion of Healing. Ration. Scroll ofRecharging. Scroll of Mirror Image (???).

    You'll find a Scroll of Upgrade, apply it to the armor from Level-1.If you're lucky, the curse will weaken or dissipate. If not use theScroll of Remove Curse to clean it. Don't put on the armor yet,wearing armor you aren't strong enough for slows you down and burnsenergy so you'll need food more quickly. If you're one point ofstrength off and need to tank in a doorway, it'll work but don't runaround with it.

    The chest behind Crystal Door contains Ring of Force, wear it.There are also three scrolls but the ring is better.

  • L4: This level spawns a number of Sewer Crabs and Green Slimes. Becareful as you can easily die.

    You'll find a Scroll of Remove Curse, Leather Armor, Potion ofHaste, and Potion of Liquid Flame. There is a Stone of Clairvoyanceand a Stone of Intuition behind a locked door. You'll also find anArcane Stylus, use it to write a glyph onto the Mail armor youupgraded (in my runs it enchanted Viscosity or Brimstone).

    You'll find your second Potion of Strength. Run back up to Level-2to the Alchemy Pot. Create an Alchemical Catalyst using either aPotion of Toxic gas with a less useful seed (blindweed, for example)or start by combining three seeds, discovering a potion if they'reall the same, and a random seed or stone. Use the catalyst toconvert the Potion of Strength into an Elixir of Might. Drink it,gaining strength and hit points. You now have the strength to wearthe upgraded Mail. Equip either the spear or the another non-cursedweapon that matches your strength and return to Level-4. You havesome butt-kicking to do.

    The Sad Ghost offers the Great Crab quest. The trick for defeatingthe Great Crab is to hit it at a distance with the bow then hidebehind doors and corners. Repeat a few times and you'll get aMystery Meat and the ghost's eternal gratitude. The reward howeverwill be a Short Sword or Mail, take either of them since neither oneis upgraded.

    There is a room with a crystal Red Sentry guarding the chest. Usethe Potion of Haste to run past the crystal guardian and take theBattleaxe +1 from the chest. Run back out before your speed returnsto normal. You can't use this yet but hold on to it for later.

    Depending on how much food you have, you can do a little crab andloot farming before going down the stairs to face the first boss.

  • L5: Boss Level: Goo.

    Scout around but don't trigger the fight. If your hit points arelow, drink a Potion of Healing before entering. The Rat King's roomis hidden in the top left corner of the room to the right of thestairs, so loot that first.

    Enter from the top and position yourself near the corner. Wait forGoo to approach and when they exit the water attack them, if youhave the spear equipped you may get a shot before they get next toyou but there won't be time to use the bow. Move to the left and hitGoo again. If you see them start to form a buzzing black cloud ofparticles, move away until they stop. Take another shot, thenmove.

    If Goo touches you they'll inflict Caustic Ooze which causes damageuntil you wash it off in water. Ignore it, you should have plenty ofhit points to continue kiting Goo along and striking until you reachthe bottom where they'll die. If you still have the ooze status,duck into the water to remove it. Collect the black drops and thekey to the exit.

    Video: Kiting Sewer Boss Goo


  • L6: Shop has Scroll of Magic Mapping, Scroll of Identify x2, Scrollof Remove Curse. Ration. Bolas. Room with four Crystal Doors holdgold, Potion of Paralytic Gas, Scroll of Lullaby, and Scroll ofTransmutation. Potion of Strength. Wand of Disintegration in GoldChest. Transmuting the Ring of Force produces a Ring of Arcana.Potion of Toxic Gas.

    There a numerous wandering Skeletons. Be careful when you're in theshop to not engage in combat. Do not fight a Skeleton or useanything with an area of effect (ex. Potion of Toxic Gas or Scrollof Terror) as that will cause the shopkeeper to immediatelydisappear with any wares you had not yet bought.

  • L7: You'll find a Scroll of Recharging, Scroll of Terror, Scroll ofUpgrade, Potion of Healing, a Ration, and a Stone ofEnchantment. Locked room contains Alchemy Pot and Potion of ToxicGas and Stone of Deep Sleep.

    Animated Statue has Elastic Weapon.

    Well of Health is hidden.

  • L8: Scroll of Upgrade; Spear in a chest, Potion of Healing in achest, Scroll of Recharging. Potion of Purity.

    You'll find a cursed Unstable Spellbook. Equip it, use a Scroll ofRemove Curse to clean it up, and add the scrolls you can to increaseits level. You should have it to +5. Have fun with it, it casts arandom spell and sometimes these are exactly what you need.

    There is a Treasure Room filled with Poison Gas. Use the ivorypotion and collect the loot. Don't stay too long.

    There is a Garden Room but nothing special in it.

    Old Wandmaker offers Wand of Blast Wave +1 and Wand of Corruption+1. I prefer the Wand of Blast Wave.

  • L9: You'll find a Ration, a Scroll of Remove Curse, a Potion of MindVision, Scroll of Recharging, a Potion of Frost, a Potion ofStrength, and a Scroll of Upgrade. A chest holds a Potion ofPurity.

    The Spectral Necromancer always drops a Scroll of Remove Curse.

    There is a Treasure Room with Magical Fire containing gold, a HoneyPot, and an Arcane Stylus.

    Treasure Room with Crystal Chests containing a cursed Ring of Forceand a Wand(???). Potion of Frost. Cursed Mail Armor +1 ofMultiplicity.

  • L10: Boss: Tengu

    This fight is in four areas in three stages:

    1. Stage-1, Area-1: A long hallway with four rooms and a locked doorat the South. Preparation, heal yourself and eat some food. Iffor some reason you don't have a scroll holder purchased from theshop, drop all your scrolls except Upgrade, the only one whichdoesn't burn. If you have no open inventory slots drop somethingyou haven't identified yet. You'll find the key to Tengu's cellin the bottom right room.
    2. Stage-1, Area-2: Fighting Tengu in his cell. Tengu will spawnpoison dart traps that become invisible. Stay in one spot andfire arrows at him. If the bow is enchanted, with Fire, Grim, orUnstable, all the better and you might be done in two or threeshots. If you have a Prismatic Image, it will attack him toowithout setting off the traps. As he takes damage, he will spawna new layout of disappearing traps, don't move. When he's reducedto half hit points he will disappear. Any debuffs you applied tohim will be gone. Any status you acquired in this round,ex. poison, will remain until they are cured or timed out.
    3. Stage-2, Area-1: A long hallway with two rooms and a door at theend. If you need to heal or have anything to unload, now is thetime to do it.
    4. Stage-2, Area-2: Fighting Tengu again in an open arena. He'llstart near the top with you near the center left. If you have aPrismatic Image, it will attack. If you have a Honey Pot, throwit two or three positions to Tengu's right. The bee will attackand Tengu will spend most of his attention on it. Strike with thebow.

      Tengu will attack with Shuriken, electric sparks that causedamage when you're in their area of effect, bombs that explodeafter a three count, and walls of smoke and fire that move towardyou. If you have a Glyph of Brimstone on your armor, you'll beimmune to the fire but not to the others. Avoid them and keepattacking with the bow, don't bother trying to get close tohim. When his hit points reach zero, the fight it over and youteleport back to cell where you fought him. You'll find any itemsyou dropped, items that remained or you spawned in the arena, andTengu's Mask.

    5. Stage-3, Area-1: This is like the long hallway of S2:A1but with stairs going down to the next level.


  • L11: Shop has a Potion Bandolier, Scroll of Magic Mapping, Scroll ofRemove Curse, Scroll of Identity, Potion of Liquid Flame, Potion ofHealing, Potion of Toxic Gas, Potion of Haste, and Potion of MindVision.

    You'll find a Potion of Experience, Potion of Levitation, Potion ofStrength, and a Ration.

    Potion of Mind Vision, Potion of Toxic Gas in Alchemy Room.

    Mimic Chest holds Potion of Frost and Scale Armor +1.

    A Scroll of Upgrade is in a chest in a Chasm Room.

    There is a Chasm Room with a Well. Drop down to it.

  • L12: Chasm Room with Well holds Potion of Healing and a Flail +1.

    Room with four graves. There is a Scroll of Transmutation. Use thescroll on the Ring of Force then open the graves.

    You'll find a Scroll of Mirror Image. Torch. Scroll of Upgrade. Wandof Warding +1 and a Pasty.

    Stone of Aggression in Alchemy Room.

    Altar drops a Cursed War Scythe, +1 or +2.

  • L13: You'll find a Potion of Liquid Flame, Scroll of Upgrade, Potionof Purity, Scroll of Rage, and Stone of Disarming.

    Mimic Chest near the Piranha holds gold and Ring of Wealth. Use yourScrolls of Upgrade to raise it to Level 4.

    Hidden room contains bombs, Kunai, and Cursed SacrificialCrossbow.

    Barricaded room holds Ration, Potion of Liquid Flame, and Scroll ofRemove Curse.

    Locked room has a chest with gold and a Mimic with a Topaz Ring

  • L14: There is a secret room with a maze north of the entryladder. Watch out for traps. The chest has a Crossbow +1.

    Troll Blacksmith quest Bat Blood. Don't use the offer to combineitems yet. Hold off until you've descended and fought the Dwarf Kingso you can decide whether to use it on rings, armor, orweapons. Choose wisely.

    You'll find Javelin x2, Kunai x4, an Arcane Stylus, a Potion ofLevitation, Potion of Strength, a Scroll of Identify, Potion ofHaste, and a Ration.

    Chest contains Scroll of Mirror Image.

    There is a Well of Health if you need it.

    Alarm Trap summons Guardian, defeat it and the enemies drawn toit. Throw anything you can't immediately use or intend to sell overthe chasms to free inventory slots.

    The locked room has a grave with 4 Wraiths, there is a good chancethat one will be a Tormented Spirit, use a Scroll of Remove Curseagainst it and collect the random loot. The grave contains a cursedMail of Stench.

    Return to Level-12 for the Alchemy Pot. Brew the Potion of Strengthinto an Elixir of Might, you probably have to level up one more timebefore you'll get the full benefit so just hold it. If you found aWand of Fire +1 or Disintegration +1 or higher, convert the levelzero Wand of Disintegration found at the beginning to Magic Resin.If you found other low-level wands convert them too. If you're shorton energy, convert any Potions of Liquid Flame to Alchemical energy(you have a wand that will do the job of clearing barricades andwebs).

    Return down and get ready for the next boss fight.

  • L15: Boss: DM300

Dwarven Halls

  • L16: Shop has Magical Holster, Scroll of Magic Mapping, Scroll ofRemove Curse, Scroll of Identity x2, Scroll of Mirror Image. Buy theHolster completing your set of bags and expanding your hero'sinventory. If it has a Wand of Regrowth and Honey Pot buy them. Ifyou've been following my suggestions around a loot run, make a tripback up to L15 to pick up what you couldn't carry and sell what youdon't need.

    Be very careful on this and the next few levels. If you've beenfollowing my advice, you've put your upgrades into rings for theireffect (and spent two on the Mail) leaving your weapons and armorunder-leveled. Heal frequently.

    When you level up, drink the Elixir of Might to get another point ofstrength and boost your hit points again.

    You'll find a Ration, a Potion of Haste. Skeletal Remains hold arandom item.

    The room with a Piranha in a pond has a Scroll of Teleportation,this is probably what you need to finish leveling the UnstableSpellbook.

    The locked room has a Scroll of Upgrade and Scroll of Identity.Apply the upgrade to the Ring of Wealth.

    The treasure room with two Crystal Doors makes you choose betweenScrolls of Teleportation, Recharging, and Identify x2 or a randomitem in the chest (I found a cursed Ring of Arcana +1).

  • L17: You'll find a Scroll of Upgrade, a Potion of Haste, Apply theUpgrade to the Ring of Wealth, with the +3 Ring of Arcana you shouldstart getting some very nice drops.

    A chest has a Potion of Mind Vision.

    A Treasure Room with a Red Sentinel has a chest with a key. Use thePotion of Haste to avoid the sentinel and exit the room.

    Use the key to unlock the Alchemy room, pick up a Potion of Healingand a Potion of Strength. Drink the Potion of Strength attaining 17and hopefully allowing you to use better armor and weapons you'vebeen holding on to.

    You'll meet the Ambitious Imp. He offers the Monk Quest.

  • L18: You'll find a Kunai, Scroll of Upgrade, Potion of Healing,Scroll of Remove Curse, and Scroll of Transmutation.

    A Piranha guards a key.

    A hidden room has Scrolls of Rage and Lullaby.

  • L19: Immediately to the South of the stairs up is a hidden door with aroom filled with Summoning Traps. Open the door but don't enter,search to reveal the first row of traps. Equip the upgraded Rings ofWealth and Arcana and get ready with two Potions: Toxic and ParalyticGas. Throw the first into the middle of the room, causing all theenemies to spawn. Throw the second into the middle of the roomfreezing them in place. Run away from the door and, if possible, hidebehind grass in case any of the enemies survive. Wait until the toxicgas dissipates and collect your loot. Open the pile of bones for arandom drop. Beware that when you enter the room Golems that werewandering around may teleport in and you'll have to fight them.

    You'll find a Scroll of Terror, a torch, Potion of Invisibility,Ration x2, a Potion of Frost, a Potion of Toxic Gas, and a Potion ofStrength.

    The Piranha room chest holds a Great Shield.

    Behind the locked door are two Crystal Chests: A Horn of Plenty anda Wand (???).

    The second locked door has an Animated Statue with a Great Shield +1.

    Prepare yourself for the next boss fight: The Dwarf King. Using theAlchemy Pot on Level 17 create at least two Potions of Earthen Armorfrom a Potion of Paralytic Gas and a stone or seed. You may alsowant a Potion of Shielding (from a Potion of Health) or Elixir ofArcane Armor (Shielding combined with a black drop from Goo).

  • L20: Boss Fight: Dwarf King and his Minions.

    This is a very tough fight if you do not have upgraded armor andweapons. If you're lucky your hero will have one or even both thanksto the Ring of Wealth. If not, you'll need Seeds and Potions tosurvive. If you have a Wand of Fireblast or Corrosion this may be easiersince you can kite and let the area effect wear the enemies down.

    This fight is in three stages:

    1. Wave 1, you fight the Dwarf King. He'll start one on one and whenhe takes damage will summon a dwarf Ghoul. He will draw healthfrom it to keep himself alive. Keep fighting and he'll teleportaway, summoning and leaving you to fight his minions. When fourhave been defeated he'll return to his throne and become invulnerable.
    2. In Wave 2, the Dwarf King will roar and summon multiple dwarfGhouls who swarm you aggressively. You'll have a turn to throwseeds out to welcome them, I recommend Seeds of Icebloom orSorrowmoss because they'll delay the Ghouls and give you a chanceto move. Position yourself near the furrowed grass and a pillar.Fight and move, throwing additional seeds if needed. The DwarfKing will summon at least one Dwarf Wizard. Pay attention to lineof sight for the Wizard as their bolts do more damage than otherenemies and debuff your armor and weapons. Defeat all the minionsand he'll leave his throne with another roar.
    3. Wave 3, you fight the Dwarf King and masses of his minions whichinclude Monks and more Wizards. Again position yourself and tossout seeds to hamper them. Use your potions to protect yourselfand do your best to not get trapped against a wall or on allsides by the aggressive minions. The King takes damage over timeso focus first on the Wizards, then on him, then the Monks, andlast the Ghouls. Pay attention to your health and make yourselfinvisible with a potion or Seed of Blindweed if you need relief.

    When the Dwarf King finally dies, he'll drop his crown. Do not wearit yet! It will transform your armor. First, you want to make sureyou have end-game armor, probably Plate Mail +3 or higher. If youdon't just hold onto it or if you still have the Troll Blacksmith'soffer consider ascending to get the extra upgrade.

    When you pass through the Dwarf King's hall you'll find a shop,tended by the Ambitious Imp. Buy what you need and descend.

Demon Halls

  • L21:

5.2.2. PCS-GQM-NRB

This is another good seed for learning and experimenting. I'm going tospot you just the discoveries and some hints so you can get a solidgrasp on the game.

Items Revealed - PCS-GQM-NRB
Experience Jade
Frost Bistre
Haste Crimson
Healing Ivory
Invisibility Silver
Levitation Amber
Liquid Flame Indigo
Mind Vision Turquoise
Paralytic Gas Charcoal
Purity Golden
Strength Azure
Toxic Gas Magenta
Scroll Magic Word
Identify Gyfu
Lullaby Kaunan
Magic Mapping Laguz
Mirror Image Raido
Rage Naudiz
Recharging Mannaz
Remove Curse Sowilo
Retribution Yngvi
Teleportation Berkanan
Terror Odal
Transmutation Tiwaz
Upgrade Isaz
Ring Stone
Accuracy Agate
Aracana Onyx
Elements Sapphire
Energy Diamond
Evasion Topaz
Force Opal
Furor Quartz
Haste Emerald
Might Tourmaline
Sharpshooting Garnet
Tenacity Amethyst
Wealth Ruby

Hints and spoilers:

  • L1 has an uncursed Ring of Sharpshooting.
  • The Sad Ghost is on L2 and offers the Fetid Rat quest. Beforeaccepting it, descend to L4 and collect your Scrolls of Upgrade,apply those to the ring. One or two shots from the bow will kill it.Take the Mail Armor, it's +3.
  • The artifact in the crystal chest on L2 is an uncursed Horn ofPlenty. Take it and upgrade it.
  • The Altar on L3 drops a cursed +1 Round Shield.
  • The Wandmaker on L8 offers the Rotberry Quest.
  • The Piranha Room on L8 includes a Phantom Piranha. The Runic Bladeis +1 uncursed.
  • One Crystal Chest on L11 is a Mimic.
  • The Chest protected by a Red Sentry on L14 contains a uncursed +2Scale Mail.
  • There's a hidden Stone of Enchantment on L14.
  • The Piranha Room on L17 has another Phantom Piranha.

5.2.3. VTX-KQD-GGT

This is a great one for learning because it starts you off with a fullcomplement of armor and weapon. I'm going to provide only a fewspoilers for the Sewers:

  • The Potion of Strength is Charcoal.
  • The Potion of Healing is Bistre.
  • The Leather Armor behind the locked door on L1 is +2 uncursed. Putan upgrade on it for +3 and with a lucky glyph you're good until theCaverns.
  • The blocking shortsword in the Golden Chest on L2 is +1 uncursed.
  • There's a hidden room above the Mimic on L2 full of Summoningtraps. You know what to do (hint, use Toxic Gas then mop up in meleewith your fancy upgraded armor and shortsword).
  • The Amethyst Ring in the chest behind the Crystal Door on L4 is aRing of Sharpshooting +1. Upgrade it as soon as you can.

You've got this one!


And some invisible attributes including:

that, respectively, have minor influence on attacks and defensivemaneuvers including evasion, blocking, parry, and the Duelist's Feintand Defensive Stance. You'll only notice the base Attack Skill if youmistakenly attack enemies barehanded without equipping a Ring of Force.


Hit points increase with level: \( \text{hp}=20+(5\cdot(\text{level}-1)) \). Without boosts, a level 30 hero will have 165 hp.


\(\text{bow level}=\frac{\text{hero level}}{5}\), therefore atHero Level 25 the Bow is +5, and at Level 30 the Bow is +6. Thislimitation is what makes the Ring of Sharpshooting +3 or higher so valuable.


Bow Damage Range, ignoring subclass bonuses etc. \(\left[ 1.. (6+\frac{\text{hero level}}{5}) \right]\)while even the Tier-2 missile weapon the Shuriken does \(\left[ 1.. 8 \right]\)


Rejuvenating Steps Level#1 has a 10 round cooldown, Level#2 has 5 rounds.


A powerful combination is a Glyph of Brimstone, protectingthe Huntress from fire, and a weapon with a Blazing enchantment,setting the enemies alight. Fire traps are your friend and you can usethem creatively. I call that play style the "Fire Warden" or "Arsonist".


All heroes can "see" grass being trampled on the map even when they should not.


Passage returns the hero to the floor immediately below thenearest shop. The scroll, and the seed effect for Warden, varies. Inmost areas it teleports the Huntress to the level immediately belowthe shop for the area as normal. For a "locked" (boss) level it movesthe hero randomly like a standard teleport spell. In the Demon HallsPassage will cause the Warden will teleport one level up.


The Sandals apply a passive buff "Naturalism" which, recallingthat the Sandals only have levels 0-3, affects the drop for seeds\(\text{random}([0,25-((\text{sandals-level}+1)\cdot4)]) \)going from 1 in 25 to 1 in 9 and for dew\(\text{random}([0,6-\frac{\text{sandals-level}+1}{2}]) \) going from 1 in 6 to 1 in 4.


Given \( \text{encumbrance}=\text{strength-required}-\text{hero-strength} \), accuracy is adjusted\( \frac{\text{weapon-accuracy}}{1.5^\text{encumbrance}} \) and delay is adjusted \( 1.2^\text{encumbrance} \)


Bee hitpoints and damage depend on what level it spawns \( \text{hp}=\left(\text{level}+2\right)\cdot4 \) and\( \text{damage}=\text{random}( [\frac{\text{hp}}{10}, \frac{\text{hp}}{4}] ) \)


Elementals attack for \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([\text{scaling-factor}, \text{scaling-factor}+5]) \)where the scaling is \( \text{scaling-factor}=\text{max}(2, (1+ \frac{\text{depth}}{5})) \).


Fire and Frost elemental 12% drop of Potion. Shock elemental25% drop Scroll of Recharging. Chaos always drops Scroll ofTransmutation.


Mimic level is the same as the dungeon depth where it spawned with hitpoints scaling as \( \text{mimic-hitpoints}=(\text{level}+1)\cdot6 \)


Piranha damage scales with depth: \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([\text{depth}, (\text{depth}\cdot2)+4]) \)


Piranha hit points scale with depths: \( \text{hp}=(\text{depth}\cdot2)+10 \)


Wraith damage scales with dungeon depth: \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([\frac{\text{depth}}{2}+1, \text{depth}+2]) \)


Tormented Spirits do more damage than Wraiths: \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([\frac{\text{depth}\cdot1.5}{2}+1, (\text{depth}\cdot1.5)+2]) \)


Armband modifiers are \( \text{loot-multiplier}=1+\frac{\text{level}}{10} \) and\( \text{duration}=3+\frac{\text{level}}{2} \)


At the time of this writing. There have been changes over timemostly to adjust balance and support the "On A Diet" challenge.


There is at most only one Rotberry in a game from the Wandmaker'squest. If you chose not to give it to them, getting a wand in return,you can brew it into an extra Potion of Strength and reach 21 Strengthwithout a Ring of Might. For Warriors who take the Strongman talentthis might be a viable strategy as their end game strength would be 23(based on \(\lfloor \text{strength}\cdot(\text{strongman-points}\cdot0.05) + 0.03 \rfloor) \))and they'll have earlier use to higher tier armor and weapons. Forother classes it is not worth forgoing the random wand early in the game.


The number of enemies spawned is in the range [3,10) based on \( (\text{depth} \mod{5}) + \text{random}( [0,3) ) + 3 \)


Lucky Enchantment \( \text{proc-chance} = \frac{\text{level}+4}{\text{level}+40}\cdot\text{attacker-multiplier} \)where the attacker's multiplier is influenced by Ring of Arcana, Berserk rage, using a Runic Blade,and the Elemental Strike, Spirit Blades, and Striking Wave talents.On successful proc buffs \( -10+(5\cdot\text{max}(1,\text{proc-chance})) \). Loot will be 80% common and 20% uncommon.


simplified, interval for respawn is \( \left[5,5,10,15,20,25,25, ...\right] \) ticks.


Disintegration traps do \( \text{depth}+\text{random}([30,50]) \) points of damage.Ex. On dungeon level 16 it does 46-56 damage, on dungeon level 24 it does 54-74 damage.


Bombs and explosive traps do more damage at the center and 33% less at adjacent tiles.The center of the blast does \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([5+\text{depth},10+\text{depth}\cdot2]) \).Heaps and items in the blast zone take damage too and can be destroyedunless they are special (Scroll of Upgrade, Potion of Strength) or upgraded (+1 or higher).


Flashing trap calculated \( \text{damage}=\text{max}(0, (\frac{\text{depth}}{2}+4)-\frac{\text{random(damage-reduction)}}{2}) \)


Gripping trap calculated \( \text{damage}=\text{max}(0, (\frac{\text{depth}}{2}+2)-\frac{\text{random(damage-reduction)}}{2}) \)


Rockfall traps inflict \( \text{damage}=\text{random}([\text{depth}+5,(\text{depth}\cdot2)+10]) \)


If you have a Wand of Corruption or Corrupting enchantment ona weapon you can make use of this endless source of Wraiths. Hold ontothe Corpse Dust and corrupt any Wraiths, assembling your own undeadarmy who will attack your enemies. As a Huntress you'll want toeventually complete the quest and redeem the random wand. Thisstrategy using Corpse Dust is most useful with the Mage's Warlocksubclass as they can imbue their staff with the Wand of Corruption andhave Tier-3 talents that align with it.


Number of Vine Lashers is \( \frac{(\text{room-width}-2)\cdot(\text{room-height}-2)}{8} \) where the room is a minimum 7x7.


Upgrading an item has a 1 in 3 chance remove a curse.

Author: HighPriestOfALowCult

Created: 2023-07-27 Thu 16:17


Shattered Pixel Dungeon @@html:<br/>@@ A Guidebook to Playing as the Huntress (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.