What If Bardock and Gine survived ? Part 2 | Fandom (2024)

When King Piccolo finds out that some earthling called Krillin beat Tambourine he gets extremely angry and tells Tambourine , that he must kill Krillin and bring him his head along with a dragon ball , if he doesn´t do so , he will personally do it and later kill Tambourine .

Tambourine tries to find Krillin , but on his way he meets Bardock .

Tambourine : Get out of my way , pest !

Bardock used his scouter .

Bardock : Hmph , you are the weakling here , your power level is pathetic , my son can even beat you and he is 16 !

Tambourine launched himself at Bardock , but his opponent easily stopped his fist , grabbed Tambourine by the hand and threw him away against the rock , Bardock then fired a small ki blast , killing Tambourine .

Master Roshi then tells everyone about Demon King Piccolo and his evil plans , and that they don´t stand much of a chance , but then Tien suggests that Bardock will take him down as he is by far the strongest in the group , but Bardock declines , saying that it will be a great training for Goku and if something goes wrong , he and Gine will just kill King Piccolo . Goku climbs the Korin tower and drinks the divine water , Korin also tells him about Kami and that there are certainly very powerful beings that can teach him , which makes Goku curious , but his main goal is to stop King Piccolo .

Power Level Changes ( i won´t be telling power increases below 50 , thts why Bardock and Gine are not shown here )

Goku - from 500 to 850

Krillin - over 300 ( thanks to extra intense training and more motivation his pl increased from below 200 to over 300 )

Goku has now more than enough power to beat King Piccolo before he regains his youth , but Bardock as a proud Saiyan wants Goku to fight King Piccolo when the namekian is at his full power . Gine then tells master Roshi that King Piccolo is no demon , he is an alien just like they are , and that his power level is considered around average for a namekian . And so King Piccolo regains his youth , reaching a power level of around 500 . Goku then heads to King Piccolo to face him , while Bardock and Gine follow him to watch from the distance if something goes wrong .

King Piccolo : AHAHAHAHA !! Im back in my prime again , now nobody can stop me from taking over this world !!!

Goku : Oh , are you sure about that ?

King Piccolo is absolutely shocked that some kid talks to him this way , so confidently .

King Piccolo : Uhh .. do you even know who i am kid ? How old are you ? Go play with other kids before i beat you up !

Goku : You´r feeling confident aren´t ya ? What about you take me on !!

King Piccolo : Ohohohohahahahaha , funny kid , but alright , if you want to

get your ass kicked so desperately , then i will gladly grant your wish !

Goku : The only one who is getting his ass kicked is you !!

Goku then jumped at King Piccolo and with incredible power he kicked him into the face , making him fall on his back .

Goku : How did you like that huh ?!

King Piccolo still surprised by the power of the blow , slowly stood up .

King Piccolo : Maybe i have underestimated you , i apologize , from this moment on , i will be taking you more seriously ..

Piccolo then launched himself at Goku and they began to fight , but Goku began to overpower King Piccolo pretty quickly , and soon fired a finishing Kamehameha that almost killed King Piccolo , before doing his iconic final attack , killing King Piccolo , who managed to spit out an egg with Piccolo Jr , leading to Kami not dying for long . Kami already knew about Goku and some time after King Piccolo´s defeat , Goku went to train with Kami , Bardock promised to protect Earth from danger , but he was already almost 50 years old and he cannot live forever so he must have a successor .

Around 3 years have passed .

While Goku was training with Kami and Mr.Popo , Bardock and Gine also trained a little bit , and Goku is soon about to get married to Chi Chi . Goku is preparing for 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament , with Bardock and Gine not entering as they are too powerful .

Power Level changes : ( From now i won´t be telling the previous power level , just writing the current ones )

Goku - 1400

Bardock - 17 000

Gine - 5000 ( she trained a lot )

Krillin - 375

Tien - 340 ( he also trained a lot )

The tournament goes like originally , except of Goku being much stronger and beating his enemies with no difficulty , and when he faces Piccolo , he swipes the floor with him , absolutely demolishing him , but he doesn´t kill him so Kami won´t die . After the tournament , Goku marries Chi-Chi and soon Gohan is born .

4 years later ..

Its around the time when Raditz Saga happens , Goku did a lot of training , but he also started to spent time with his son recently . Gohan was raised by Bardock and Gine a lot , in this timeline , Gohan certainly lived a little happier live , until now .

Power level changes : ( Bardock and Gine not shown cuz their power level increase is lower than 50 )

Goku - 3500

Krillin - 400

Tien - 380

Piccolo - 600 ( stronger due to extra motivation )

Gohan - 50 ( did some training in this timeline , cuz when he was spending time with Bardock he was teaching him how to fight sometimes )

The reunion at Kame House was happening , with Bardock and Gine being there too , but suddenly , Goku and Bardock sensed a strong power level .

Goku : Dad , do you feel this too ?

Bardock : Yeah , its very high for anyone on Earth , and its strangely familiar ..

By now Raditz has already beaten Piccolo , who was able to put more of a fight this time , but still lost .

Raditz landed in front of Kame House , Goku was already waiting for him .

Raditz : Look who we have here , Kakarot !

Goku : Who are you , and how do you know my Saiyan name ?

Raditz : Oh , so you remember your name atleast , you must be pretty brainwashed .

Goku : My name is Goku , but my father and mother call me Kakarot , its my Saiyan name .

Raditz : Im Raditz ... your older brother .. WAIT , did you say FATHER ?! AND MOTHER ?!

Bardock suddenly walked out .

Bardock : Long time no see , Raditz ..

Raditz : U-uh-y-i-i mean .. dad ?! But , how ? How the hell ?! I thought Frieza killed you !

Bardock : Well here i am now , i didn´t defeat Frieza , i still blame myself for the fact that i wasn´t able to finish him properly ...

Raditz : Properly ? B-but you aren´t anywhere close to Frieza´s level !

Bardock : Actually , i have transformed into The Legendary Super Saiyan back then , but i couldn´t do it again , i tried a few times ,

This left Raditz speechless , not only was his father alive , but he also turned Super Saiyan while fighting Frieza and nearly defeated him , not only that , his mother is also alive .

Raditz : S-Super ... Saiyan .. ?!

Bardock : Yes , but its a long story , i haven´t seen you in years son , why don´t you come with us inside ?

Raditz kinda didn´t know what to do , his dad being there completely changed his plans , as he knew Bardock was much stronger than him and he couldn´t force Kakarot to join them , instead , he started thinking about Goku and Bardock help him to resist Nappa and Vegeta .

Raditz : S-sure , i guess ..

Raditz activated his scouter totally unnoticed and pointed it at Goku who was not looking at the moment .

Raditz mind : Three and a half thousand ?! But how is that even possible ? His power level is more than twice as high as mine !

Raditz then secretly checked power levels of everyone inside the house while Bardock was introducing him to everybody , suddenly howewer , Gine came downstairs and hugged Raditz , who accidentally managed to check her power level as his scouter was activated .

Raditz mind : 5000 ?! When i last saw my mom was a little weaker than me and now , she is at Nappa´s level , damn , i wonder if dad has also grown stronger .

Raditz then got introduced to his nephew - Gohan and was kinda getting on , and he decided to stay and tell everyone about Nappa and Vegeta . At some point , somebody mentioned the dragon balls , which made Nappa and Vegeta curious , so they decided to visit earth anyway , so they contacted Raditz , but when Raditz heard them , he quickly crushed his scouter .

Some time has passed , and everyone began to train for the arrival of the Saiyans , but Kami took Goku , Bardock and Raditz to King Kai´s world to train them , while Gine stayed on Earth to be with her grandson and train a little bit , she sometimes trained with Kami and Mr.Popo , but she was never into fighting so Gine kinda started to enjoy the life on Earth , but the earthlings were training extremely hard , especially Piccolo .

1 Year Later ...

Its only few hours before Nappa and Vegeta originally arrived to Earth . Goku and Raditz have been training a lot to become stronger , both can now do the Kaioken , with Raditz being able to do only x2 Kaioken while Goku can go up to x4 Kaioken . King Kai saw that Goku was pure of heart so he decided to teach him the spirit bomb . Bardock was mainly focusing on learning how to transform into a Super Saiyan , he could do it almost at will , but he needed a little bit of anger to transform , but he doesn´t use the form when it isn´t really necessary , as it drains his energy really fast . Bardock can also do Kaioken up to x3 and stack it up on top of his Super Saiyan form but for a very short time .

Power Levels :

Raditz - 30 000

Bardock - 35 000

Goku - 50 000

Gohan - 6250 ( He trained much more than originally , and he had more powerful teachers and his grandma to help him )

Gine - 7000

Piccolo - 4000

Krillin - 2100

Tien - 2000

Master Roshi - 1625

Yamcha - 1500 ( he joined the intense training too )

Chiaotzu - 1050

Chi-Chi - 1000 ( also trained quite a lot )

Everyone gathered to be prepared for the arrival of Saiyans , they waited for more than 2 hours , when finally , they heard a huge blast , but when they went to investigate , to their horror , it was a city completely oblirated and destroyed .

Raditz : That´s Nappa´s work , they´re here , hurry up !

Goku , Bardock , Raditz , Gohan , Gine , and Piccolo flew to the direction of the blast , when they saw another space pod landing . The rest of the Z fighters including Chi Chi stayed behind as backup .

Goku : Wait , there´s 3 of them ?!

Raditz : No , i don´t think so , its probably Vegeta who has arrived a little bit later .

Meanwhile Nappa and Vegeta were waiting , but when no one appeared , they moved to a desert wasteland and were waiting .

Nappa´s scouter suddenly picked up a high power level .

Nappa : 1000 ? Turns out the population isn´t as trash as we th-wait its rising ! Its over 9000 !!!

Vegeta : Nine thousand ?! Your scouter is probably broken , they cannot be this powerful , but nevermind , prepare yourself , they are getting closer !

Goku and Raditz landed first .

Vegeta : Well , well , well , its Kakarot in person !

Goku : And you must be Vegeta !

Vegeta : Ahah , indeed , but let me see .. if it isn´t that little traitor Raditz !

Raditz : Traitor ? They are Saiyans just like us .

Nappa : Hahaha ! Raditz , its time i give you the beating you deserve , scumbag !!

Raditz : You better keep your mouth shut before i shut it up for you !

Nappa : How dare you talk this way to me , your power level isn´t even at 2000 , let alone 5000 !

Raditz : Oh , you think so baldy ? Then check it !

Nappa : Ngr !!!

Nappa used his scouter , and he absolutely could not believe his eyes .

Nappa : Over 30 000 ?!! I don´t quite follow here , how did you get so strong ?!

Vegeta : Nappa , you are a total idiot , there is no way they could be this strong , your scouter is broken !

Goku : Nah , i think his scouter is perfectly fine .

Vegeta : Hmph , let me see myself .

Vegeta then also detected a power level of 30 000 but when he switched to Goku he was in shock to see his power level was at 50 000 , but suddenly , he picked up a power level of 35 000 behind Goku and Raditz .

Bardock : Prince Vegeta , long time no see ..

Vegeta : Wait , you´re ... oh i remember you , Bardock wasn´t it ?

Vegeta then checked his power level once again , but then Gohan and Gine appeared along with Piccolo .

Vegeta : Thirty five thousand , urgh , blasted scouter !!

Vegeta crushed his scouter .

Vegeta : Don´t tell me Kakarot has a kid , with an earthling , ahahahah , or is it your´s kid Raditz ?

Gohan : Im Goku´s son , Raditz is my uncle .

Vegeta : I suppose you call Kakarot , Goku , was it ? How pathetic , you even got a new name !

Then Gine showed up .

Nappa : I think that´s Kakarot and Raditz´s mother .

Nappa checked Gine´s power level , but when he saw it was higher than his , he threw his scouter to the ground and crushed it with this foot .

Nappa : Stupid scouter , can´t even read a power level correctly !!

Vegeta : Fine , let´s clear this trash out of the battlefield , Nappa , you take on Kakarot´s son , mother and the namekian , i will be fighting Kakarot , Raditz and Bardock .

Goku : You won´t stand a chance against all three of us , what about we do a 1 on 1 fight ?

Vegeta : You feel confident , i like that , now you will see how big gap is between us , and after i finish with you , i will deal with Raditz !

Vegeta and Goku then began to fight , with Goku holding back to make Vegeta think he is strong , but despite holding back , Vegeta was fighting Goku as an equal , but Vegeta was getting tired while Goku didn´t even break a sweat .

Goku : Alright , time to get serious !

Vegeta : WHAT ?!!

Goku then easily stopped Vegeta´s fist and kicked him into the stomach , causing Vegeta extreme pain and sending him flying back .

Vegeta : GUEEH !!!

Vegeta looked at Kakarot while holding his belly and trying to catch a breath .

Vegeta : Tch ! How can you be so strong , i would expect that kind of blow from a Ginyu Force member , not from you !

Goku : The answer is training and hard work .

Vegeta : Oh don´t be ridiculous , you are a low class Saiyan , while i am the top elite , the Prince of All Saiyans , VEGETA !

Goku : Even the lowest born can surpass the elite if they work hard enough .

Vegeta : Damn you , i´ve had enough of your stupidities !!!

Vegeta launched himself at Goku and punched him into the face , which didn´t do much to Goku .

Goku : Ouch , i felt that punch , your really strong !

Vegeta : NGRR , SHUT UP ALREADY !!!!

Vegeta then furiously tried to hit Goku into the face , but Goku kept dodging all of his attacks , and when he got bored , he blocked Vegeta´s fist with his arm , and have him a punch into the face , making some blood fly out of his opponent´s mouth and causing Vegeta to get knocked back while shouting out of pain .

Vegeta : GAAAH !!!

Goku : Fine , its time i end this , now im going all out !

Vegeta mind : That bastard was holding back all the time ?!!

Goku flied at Vegeta and began punching him and giving him powerful blows , leaving Vegeta seriously injured and giving him no time to defend himself or run , Goku then moved behind Vegeta .


Goku fired a Kamehameha right into Vegeta´s back , sending him high into the air and creating an explosion .


Vegeta´s back armor was completely destroyed by Goku´s Kamehameha , while his front armor was very damaged and cracked . Vegeta fell to the ground , falling unconscious .

Goku : Phew ! He wasn´t as strong as i thought !

Bardock : Be careful Kakarot , remember what i told you !

Goku : Yeah , i know !

Suddenly , Vegeta began to get up from the ground .

Vegeta : Tsk !! Now you´ve done it , GALICK GUN !!!!!!

Vegeta fired a very powerful energy beam called Galick Gun , but due to being injured it was much weaker , so Goku easily pushed it back at Vegeta with a weak ki beam , making Vegeta fall to the ground . Meanwhile Nappa was watching , laying on the ground after he got a beating from Gohan , Gine and Piccolo , but he managed to release Saibamen , which were now fighting the rest of the Z fighters , but Yamcha still died because of his skill issue .

Vegeta had a last resort weapon , he had to go Great Ape , or he would die . He created an artificial moon and began to transform .

Goku : Bruh , now he´s a giant monkey !

Raditz : Transform as well so he stands no chance !

Goku : Nah , i won´t need it , instead i can test out the Kaioken , besides , he is injured so he is weaker .

Despite being injured , Great Ape Vegeta was still a little stronger than Goku in his base , which made Goku go Kaioken x2 .

Goku : KAIO-KEN !!!

Goku´s power was now 100 000 , but he wanted to finish the fight quickly , so he went up to times 3 , reaching a power level of 150 000 , while Vegeta in his injured Great Ape form was at 65 000 .

Goku then launched himself at Vegeta , and right before landing the blow he went up to Kaioken x4 and with one strong blow , he managed to knock Vegeta unconscious and make him fall to the ground , and soon , Vegeta detransformed back to his base . Then they took the unconscious Vegeta and an injured Nappa to help them recover , as Goku saw a lot of potential in them , especially Vegeta , and he didn´t want to kill them , although Raditz at first was against it , he reluctantly agreed after Bardock told him that they could be very useful in their fight against Frieza . Goku gave Vegeta and Nappa a senzu bean , healing Nappa to full strength even giving him a small Zenkai , while Vegeta stayed unconscious for an hour after receiving the senzu , getting a much bigger Zenkai than Nappa .

End of Part 2

The next Part will cover the Frieza Saga and the Android Saga and maybe the Cell Saga .

What If Bardock and Gine survived ? Part 2 | Fandom (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.