WWE SmackDown Results 5/3/24 (2024)

WWE SmackDown Results 5/3/24
LDLC Arena
Lyon, France

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett)

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Bayley, Bianca BelAir, Jade Cargill, Naomi vs. Tiffany Stratton & Damage CTRL In A 8-Woman Tag Team Match

Naomi and Kairi Sane will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Naomi applies a wrist lock. Sane with a forearm smash. Sane sends Naomi to the corner. Naomi with The Booty Shake. Naomi with The Hesitation Dropkick. Naomi drags Sane to the corner. Naomi tags in BelAir. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. BelAir goes for a Bodyslam, but Sane lands back on her feet. BelAir whips Sane across thering. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Sane. BelAir with a Running Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. BelAir dumps Asuka out of the ring. Sane with The Spinning Back Fist. Bayley tags herselfin. BelAir kicks Sane in the face. BelAir is not happy with Bayley. Asuka pulls BelAir out of the ring. Stratton attacks Bayley from behind. Stratton drops Bayley with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton and Damage CTRL have complete control of the match during the commercialbreak.

Forearm Exchange. Asuka decks Bayley with a back elbow smash. Sane with a Sliding Forearm. Asuka with a Sliding Knee Strike for a two count. Asuka tags in Stratton. Stratton punches Bayley in the back. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Bayley’s neck. Stratton tags in Kai. Kai repeatedly stomps on Bayley’s chest. Simultaneous tag to Asuka. Assisted Hip Attack for a two count. Stratton sends Bayley to the corner. Stratton with a Back Handspring Elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. The referee is trying to get Naomi out of the ring.

Stratton stomps on the midsection of Bayley. Stratton toys around with Bayley. Stratton knocks Cargill off the ring apron. Stratton shoves Bayley into Naomi. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Bayley with a Belly to Back Suplex. Bayley tags in Cargill. Cargill nails Kai with The Pump Kick. Cargill Chokeslams Asuka. Sane ducks a clothesline from Cargill. Cargill catches Sane in mid-air. Cargill with The Uranage BackBreaker. Cargill tags in BelAir. Cargill with The Stinger Splash. Cargill PowerBombs Kai. Assisted Powerslam for a two count. Cargill tosses Sane out of the ring. Asuka with The Missile Dropkick. Naomi responds with The Bubba Bomb. Stratton with a Sliding Knee Strike. Bayley delivers The Bayley to Belly. Kai drops Bayley with The Scorpion Kick. BelAir connects with The KODto pickup the victory.

Winner: Bayley, Bianca BelAir, Jade Cargill, Naomi via Pinfall

– A-Town Down Under tells Lyon that their gift tonight is witnessing the greatest tag team champions first title defense. Grayson Waller says that they’re going to show The Street Profits that they are indeed the smoke.

– Kayla Braxton had a backstage interview with Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill. Jade says that they’re more than ready for Backlash. Their confidence is on another level. Bianca is ready to have some closure with Damage CTRL. Once, Bianca and Jade capture the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles, she’ll finally be done with Damage CTRL. Bianca was directing her comments towards Bayley the entire time.

– We see Carmelo Hayes having a conversation with Nick Aldis. Nick says that there’s two things Melo has to do on SmackDown, show up and show out. Melo has to keep the momentum going despite losing to Cody Rhodes last week. He’s officially declaring his participation in the King of The Ring Tournament. Bobby Lashley joins the conversation. Bobby gives Melo his flowers for having a stellar debut. If Melo ever needs any advice, he’s only a phone call away. Melo says that he’s good and he’s got it figured out. Bobby reminds Melo that the shots he takes need to count. Melo asks Bobby when was the last that he shot his own shot? Bobby gives Melo some free advice on his way out, be careful who you disrespect.

Second Match: The Authors Of Pain w/The Final Testament vs. The New Catch Republic

Akam and Pete Dunne will start things off. Akam grabs Dunne by his throat. Akam bullrushes Dunne over the top rope. Dunne with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dunne with three dropkicks. Akam shoves Dunne. Dunne applies The Kimura Lock. Bate tags himself in. Bate kicks Akam in the chest. NCR tees off on Akam. Bate with Two Running Uppercuts. Akam responds with an Inside Out Lariat. Akam tags in Rezar. Rezar with heavy bodyshots. Rezar talks smack to the crowd. Rezar goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Bate lands back on his feet. Bate with a haymaker/uppercut combination. Bate applies The Sleeper Hold. Dunne tags himself in. Dunne with a Flying Double Foot Stomp. Dunne dropkicks Rezar to the floor. Dunne ducks a clothesline from Akam. Bate sends Akam tumbling to the floor. Dunne tags in Bate. Bate with a Flying Cannonball Senton to the outside. Bate rolls Rezar back into the ring. Bate with a Springboard Uppercut. Rezar puts Bate on his shoulders. Rezar with a Running Death Valley Driver into the turnbuckles. AOP has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Rezar tags in Akam. Flying Foot Stomp/Sidewalk Slam Combination for a two count. Akam repeatedly slams Bate’s head on the canvas. Akam tags in Rezar. Rezar applies The Bear Hug. Rezar blocks The Sunset Flip. Bate dropkicks Rezar. Rezar tags in Akam. Akam stops Bate in his tracks. Bate is throwing haymakers at Akam. Akam sends Bate across the ring. Bate drops Akam with The Handspring Lariat. Bate tags in Dunne. Enzuigiri Party. Dunne stomps on Akam’s fingers. Dunne with a basem*nt dropkick. Dunne with a MoonSault Press off the ring apron. Dunne thrust kicks the midsection of Akam. Dunne with The Standing Slice Bread for a two count. Dunne goes for The MoonSault, but Akam ducks out of the way. Dunne tags in Bate. Bate delivers Bop and Bang. Dunne with a Pump Kick. Bate lands The Airplane Spin. Bate pops back on his feet. Bate tags in Dunne. Bate with The Standing Shooting Star Press. Dunne drops Akam with The Shining Wizard for a two count. NCR blocks The Double Chokeslam. NCR snaps Rezar’s fingers. Stereo Flying Forearms to Rezar. Dunne gets distracted by Scarlett. Bate with The SomerSault Plancha. Kross nails Bate with a Modified F5 on the floor. Akam with The Uranage Slam. Akam tags in Rezar. AOP connects with their NeckBreaker/SitOut PowerBomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Authors Of Pain via Pinfall

– Paul Heyman walks into Nick Aldis office. Heyman asks Aldis if he got his memo. Aldis got the memo, but the request to have tomorrow’s tag team match cancelled has been denied. Heyman is looking out for the sake of Randy Orton and Kevin Owens. He’s tried to rationalize with Aldis, but he’s had enough. Whatever happens to Orton and Owens is now on Aldis conscious. Aldis asks Heyman if that was an order from the Tribal Chief? Heyman doesn’t find that funny. He hasn’t talked to Roman Reigns since WrestleMania. He admits that he’s responsible for pulling Roman Reigns out of the WWE Draft. He had no choice; he couldn’t subject Roman Reigns to the chaos that’s going on within The Bloodline. Aldis tells Heyman that he can appear on The RKO Show and try to convince them that their tag team match at Backlash should be canceled.

The RKO Show with Special Guest: Paul Heyman

Kevin Owens:Lyon, welcome to the very first edition of The RKO Show. I’m going to take a seat.

Randy Orton:Yeah, have a seat. You know, normally, you would really have to talk me into doing something like this, but it didn’t take a lot of talking me into anything because these people are so freaking amazing. You know what else didn’t take a lot of talking me into? Me tagging with my man here, Kevin Owens, and taking on The Bloodline tomorrow at Backlash, and kicking both of their asses.

Kevin Owens:Right, and, you know, before we get to that, I know you had a bit of concern about our guest tonight, right? And look, at first, I didn’t want to have a guest tonight, I thought let’s give France something special. We’ll give them the first RKO Show. We won’t have a guest; we’ll just play around and have fun with the crowd. And then I started getting call after call from a number that I didn’t want to answer, because the caller ID was somebody I didn’t want to talk to. But then finally, Wednesday, at 4:00am, he wore me down, and I answered. And that’s when Paul Heyman asked to be a guest on our show tonight. I know, I had the same reaction every time his name would pop up on the phone. But he said, he had something very important to tell us. And look, it piqued my curiosity, so why don’t we bring him out. Do you want to introduce Paul Heyman?

Randy Orton: Not especially, but I would like to introduce Paul Heyman to the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment, RKO.

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. I am a WWE Hall Of Famer. I am without question WWE’s undisputed wiseman. Therefore, tonight, I come out here with respect, with admiration, and of course, with wisdom. May I?

Kevin Owens: But Randy, if you say he could come in, you can’t just RKO him right away, you know that, right?

Randy Orton:Not right away. I’m more of an out of nowhere kind of guy.

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, there will be no RKO’s this evening.

Randy Orton: I beg to differ.

Kevin Owens: Paul, I’ve never met a man who talks so much, yet says so little, so please, what do you want?

Paul Heyman: I understand why you would doubt a man that has very little conscious whatsoever. However, more than you would ever, I want Roman, too. I came out here for a very simple reason. I have great respect for you, Randy Orton. I have great respect for you, Kevin Owens. When you step into the ring with Roman Reigns, it was competition, there was a title on the line, and I understood just like you understood, that whatever Roman Reigns had to do to defend his title, that’s what Roman Reigns is going to do. But the rules with Solo Sikoa and Tama Tonga are a lot different. Do yourselves, do SmackDown, do WWE, do these people, do your families a favor. Back out of this match, now. Please? Please?

Randy Orton:Absolutely the biggest piece of trash in this industry, you’re trying to tell my partner and I whether or not to take a match?

Kevin Owens:Yeah, you know, Paul, I don’t think you’re in any position to give anybody advice, considering how everything around you is falling apart. Yeah, right?

Randy Orton: Matter of fact, that begs a question, Paul. Paul, I got a question for you. Who exactly is the real Tribal Chief?

Paul Heyman: Oh, you put me in a bad position. I think the whole world knows that there’s only one Tribal Chief.

The Bloodline proceeds to attack Randy Orton and Kevin Owens from behind. All hell starts breaking loose in France to close this segment.

Third Match: LA Knight vs. Angel Garza w/Legado Del Fantasma

Collar and Elbow TieUp. Knight applies a side headlock. Garza whips Knight across the ring. Knight drops Garza with a shoulder tackle. Garza drives his knee into the midsection of Knight. Garza with clubbingblows to Knight’s back. Garza mocks Knight. Garza with three uppercuts. Garza sends Knight to the corner. Knight with a running clothesline. Garza reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Knight drops Garza with a Swinging NeckBreaker. Knight kicks Garza out of the ring. Knight is throwing haymakers at Garza. Knight repeatedly slams Garza’s head on the ring apron. Knight rolls Garza back into the ring. Knight ducks a clothesline from Garza. Knight clotheslines Garza over the top rope. Knight with The Wrecking Ball Dropkick.

Knight poses for the crowd. Knight with two haymakers. Knight slams Garza’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Knight with a corner clothesline. Knight with a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Garza regains control of the match during the commercial break. Chop Exchange. Knight sends Garza to the corner. Knight gets distracted by Carrillo. Garza HeadButts Knight. Garza kicks Knight in the face. Garza whips Knight across the ring. Knight ducks under two clotheslines from Garza. Knight with a flying clothesline. Knight repeatedly stomps on Garza’s chest. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight with a Pop Up Powerslam. Knight with a Leaping Elbow Drop. Knight knocks Carrillo off the ring apron. Garza rolls Knight over for a two count. Knight ducks a clothesline from Garza. Knight connects with The BFT to pickup the victory.

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. All around the world, it’s the same song. Another SmackDown, another dummy gets dropped on his head, three, the hard way. YEAH! Now, if I want to be cliche, I’d say that this is my ring, right? But, Nah-Nah, I’m not going to do that. Instead of me saying, like everybody else, oh, this is my ring, nah-nah. I’m going to make this my ring. What do I mean by that? I am now officially entered into the King of The Ring.

Santos Escobar: Woah, woah, woah. It’s impressive, impressive, you just keep talking, and talking, and talking. I’ll show you who sucks. You keep running your mouth, on and on, during the King of The Ring. While you’re busy running your mouth, I’ll be busy winning.

LA Knight: I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear anything you were saying, all of Lyon was telling you that you suck. But, through that, the one that I heard, I think you said, maybe I talk too much. Should I keep on talking, Lyon? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Because for you, when I stop talking, that’s the time that you get stomped out. And you’ll be laying there, thinking to yourself, my god, what was I just doing? I know whose game this is, and before anybody here tells you, you will be thinking to yourself, and you’ll hear the whole damn world saying, with everybody saying, LA Knight, YEAH!

Winner: LA Knight via Pinfall

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Carlito. Why did he attack Dragon Lee? Carlito has been away from the WWE for many years, and all that he wanted was another WrestleMania opportunity with his family, The LWO. So, when Rey challenged Santos and Dominik to a tag team match, he thought that was a good idea. Instead, Rey decided to choose Dragon Lee to be his partner. The same guy who’s only been in the group for five minutes. That’s not cool. So, Carlito took matters into his own hands. He says that it’s not personal. Dragon Lee starts throwing haymakers at Carlito. Lee had to be restrained by Rey Mysterio and the referees.

Fourth Match: A-Town Down Under (c) vs. The Street Profits w/The Pride For The WWE Tag Team Championship

Grayson Waller punches Montez Ford before the bell rings. Theory attacks Dawkins from behind. Theory is throwing haymakers at Dawkins. Theory is choking Dawkins with his knee. Theory tags in Waller. Waller scores a right jab. Waller applies a wrist lock. Waller whips Dawkins across the ring. Dawkins leapfrogs over Waller. Dawkins with a corkscrew elbow. Dawkins tags in Ford. Dawkins whips Waller across the ring. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Ford dropkicks Waller. Ford pops back on his feet. Double Flapjack to Theory. Waller with a big right hand. Ford ducks a clothesline from Waller. Ford drops Waller with The Rock Bottom. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins with The Swanton Bomb. Theory pulls Waller out of the ring. Dawkins tags in Ford. Ford lands The SomerSault Plancha. Ford rolls Waller back into the ring. Ford tags in Dawkins. Double Belly to Back Suplex. Dawkins sends Waller to the corner. Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Dawkins with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. A-Town Down Under regains control of the match during the commercial break.

Ford clotheslines Theory. Ford knocks Waller off the ring apron. Ford ducks a clothesline from Theory. Ford with a Running Lariat. Theory launches Ford over the top rope. Ford with The Apron Enzuigiri. Ford with a Springboard Back Elbow Strike. Ford follows that with a Belly to Back Suplex. Ford plays to the crowd. Ford with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Ford tags in Dawkins. Street Profits goes for a Double Belly to Back Suplex, but Theory lands back on his feet. Theory tags in Waller. Theory ducks a clothesline from Ford. Theory rocks Dawkins with a forearm smash. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Waller with The Coast To Coast Dropkick to Dawkins for a two count. Theory pulls Ford out of the ring. Waller tags in Theory. Theory goes for The Roll Through Dropkick, but Dawkins counters with The Pounce. Dawkins hits The Cash Out. Dawkins tags in Ford. Doomsday BlockBuster to Theory for a two count. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins puts Theory on his shoulders. Theory rakes the eyes of Dawkins. Ford gets perched on the top turnbuckle. Dawkins scores a right jab. Dawkins goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Waller counters with The Roll Through Flatliner behind the referee’s back. That allows Theory to steal the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Tag Team Champions, A-Town Down Under via Pinfall

– There will be a major announcement regarding WrestleMania 41 during Backlash tomorrow.

– Don’t forget to check out the Countdown to Backlash Kickoff Show with Jackie Redmond, CM Punk and Big E.

– The 2024 King and Queen Of The Ring Tournaments will begin this Monday night on Raw.

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